32 - Ex

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Rotxo POV:

Me, Aonung and Tsireya were going to the woods, after Lo'ak and Aonung's fight, he got a serious bruise on his eye. He got a bad scolding from all of his family members so now we had to go and take a break outside. Aonung had to promise he wouldn't cause any trouble. When we walked across the tree, a branch was hanging off so I moved it out of the way and held it so they could go pass. Purposely, I let go when Aonung was coming and it hit him right where he got punched. "Rotxo!" he yelped.
"Woops," I giggled and looked to see Tsireya giggling too.
"Deserved," Tsireya said. Aonung rolled his eyes and we continued walking until we found our normal spot we always stayed at.

"Anyways, did you hear? Kiri's ex moved here?" Tsireya asked.
"No, aren't they like really good friends now?" Aonung said.
"Yeah," she responded.
"Fill me in, who is Kiri's ex?" I curiously asked.
"She was talking about her yesterday, think her name is like Racelle," she replied.
"Hmm ok," I nodded my head. I heard giggling coming from not so far and it got louder and louder. We tilted out heads and saw Kiri and tall girl next to her, I assumed it was Racelle.
"Kiri over here!" Tsireya waved, indicating to come sit with us. They were whispering to each other and then finally came over to us. "Hi guys!" Kiri greeted, sitting down.
"Hey, I'm Racelle," Racelle smiled, stting foen next to Kiri. Each one of us greeted each other and introduced ourselves.
All I could do was look at the Racelle girl. She was touchy with Kiri but only I could be touchy. My teeth gritted as my jealousy grew over me.

"Oh Eywa, Racelle is so pretty!" Tsireya exclaimed, playing with her hair.
"You're a literal goddess though," she complimented back.
"Aww thank you," Tsireya replied, getting flustered.
"And who is this hottie?" Racelle asked, looking over at Aonung.
"I'm gay," he stated.
"Me too," she laughed. He rolled his eyes and fake smiled, he was a great actor.

Kiri looked over at me, laughing but stopped when I looked sad. She got my attention and asked in hand signals, 'You good?'. I nodded my head but of course Racelle had to be nosy. "Ooh Kiri you have to show me how to hand signals! It's so cool!" she exclaimed.
"Of course I will," Kiri smiled at her. I wasn't jealous. No I was, she was tall and definitely Kiri loved her for that. The way Racelle would move her hair out of the way was driving me insane. What could I do to stop this? My leg was bouncing up and down, I normally do this when I'm nervous or anxious. Aonung sat next to me and placed his hand onto my thigh. "Are you ok?" he whispered, only I could hear him. The girls were just gossiping and chatting.
I shook my head and Aonung got up,
"Reya, me and Rotxo will be going somewhere else, see you in a bit."
"Bye," all of the girls said.

While going out of the forest, I started to tear up. I hated it when Kiri kept bringing someone new up, she would always make me jealous when she didn't mean to. "What is it?" Aonung asked.
"Kiri and Racelle," I replied.
"They're just friends but I can see where you're coming from," he replied.
"Talk to Kiri about it, communication is key," he insisted.
"She'll think I'm sensitive," I sighed.
"So? Let your feelings out, you can't sit here and do nothing and just be jealous because that girl is yours so get her," Aonung stated.
His words motivated me quite a bit and I nodded my head.
"Thank you Ao," I said.
"Always here," he smiled back at me, patting my back to head the opposite direction.
I had to learn to stand up and talk about how I feel, especially to my girlfriend. I pulled out my phone and started to text Kiri.
Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Rotxo: can we talk? outside the forest

Kiri: first let me calm down

Rotxo: huh?

Kiri: Racelle is way too funny, i needa calm down before i talk to u or im gon start laughing in your face 😭

Rotxo: oh

Kiri: so whats up?

Rotxo: nothing just wanna talk


Rotxo: what?

Kiri: STOPPO I CANT RACELLE IS SO FUNNY I'll meet u in a few because I need to hear more of her jokes

Rotxo: oh k :) i love you (seen)

Patiently, I waited and sat down on the bench, besides the woods. I played on my phone, Minecraft. You could tell I was really bored while waiting for Kiri. It had been like 20 minutes after Kiri said she was going to come talk to me. I decided to text her again because she was taking so long.

Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Rotxo: where u at?

Kiri: sorry ro, im coming now

Rotxo: kk

I heard shuffling of bushes and then saw Kiri come out from in between the trees. She sat next to me on the bench and sighed,
"Hi," I said, giving no emotion.
"We've barely talked," she said.
"I wonder why?" I questioned, rolling my eyes.
"It didn't seem like you wanted to talk to me, only Racelle right?" I asked.
"Rotxo, it's not like that," she replied.
"Oh is it not now? Pretty sure you like each other, Kiri why are people always touchy with you? I thought I was the only one who was allowed to," I stated.
"Well my love language is touch so," she explained.
"You got jealous?" she giggled.
I nodded my head and avoided eye contact.
She took out her pinky finger and said,
"I promise I don't like her, she's my ex and I'm over her, plus you're cuter." I connected my pinky finger with hers and kissed her face. "Me and Racelle are really close because she used to babysit Tuk," Kiri finally explained.
"Ah ok," I replied, holding her head and leaning in her shoulder.
I was glad I could talk it out with her, she was the only person I could talk to without being awkward. Well and also Aonung but yeah.

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