30 - Teaching

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tw: requested smut by @loaksullyloverlolxxx
this will be FUNNY TO WRITE but not the hahah funny the urmm funny.

Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Kiri: hello

Rotxo: Hi kiriiiii

Kiri: Hiiiiiii

Rotxo: whats up

Kiri: the ceiling 🤫🤫🤫

Rotxo: very funny 😒😒

Kiri: whatcha doing?

Rotxo: your mom

Kiri: you cheating on me?

Rotxo: im joking babe 😭

Kiri: i was joking about your joke too babesss

Rotxo: oh alr

Kiri: I'm bored

Rotxo: come over my grandmas gone to Aonung's house

Kiri: alr i will
also i have a question

Rotxo: mhm?????!???!!?

Kiri: so i'm ur first girlfriend right? like this is ur first relationship

Rotxo: yeah

Kiri: have u ever had sex??

Rotxo: uhhhhh nah

Kiri: Oh alr just asking

Rotxo: 🤨🤨🤨🤨
(Kiri reacted to text with 🤫)

Kiri POV:

I sneaked into my brothers room. Both of them were freaks and would leave out c0nd0ms hanging around in the room. One time Lo'ak left one on the stairs and Tuk found it and well she used it to decorate her dolls. I was flabbergasted after I found it in her room but immediately knew it Lo'ak because he was way too defensive when I asked him if it was his or not. Secretly, I grabbed Neteyam's one c0nd0m  that hanging around in his rom and rushed out the room before one of them caught me. It would be totally embarrassing if I was.

As I walked downstairs, I saw Neteyam and Lo'ak eating cereal. "Where you going?" Neteyam asked.
"Uh Rotxo's, his grandma's at Aonung's so Rotxo's alone," I replied, opening the front door.
"Oooh," Lo'ak teased.
"Shut it," I replied.
"Have fun," Neteyam said, stuffing his mouth with cereal. I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me. These two idiots act like they don't go to their boyfriend and girlfriend's house everyday.

< when i arrived at Rotxo's house >

*ding dong*
Rotxo opened the door smiling at me. He hugged me and let me in.
"Hey Kiri," he greeted.
"Hi bubs," I replied, teasingly. He led me upstairs to his room and sat down on the bed.
"Anyways, what was that text you sent?" he asked, concerned.
"I don't know," I smiled.
"Kiri!" he exclaimed.
"We'll never know," I joked. We lay down on his bed and just cuddled for a while. We watched TikTok on his phone and made some TikTok's as well. You could tell we were bored.
"Ah I have these really bad back cramps," he yelped, in the middle of watching TikTok's.
"I'll massage it for you if you want," I insisted.
"That would be great," he replied, lying down on his back.

It was silent but I got the oil, took off his shirt and massaged his back. He kept letting out small groans whenever I would push too hard and something just snapped inside of me. I kept going just to hear the noises he was making and it turned me on. "So you know the texts," I bought up, in the mood.
"Finally, are you going to tell me what they mean?" he asked, looking up at me.
"Uhm, well I could teach you?" I asked.
"Well is it bad?" he questioned, looking nervous.
"You'll find out," I winked. He nodded his head and sat up straight ready to see what happens next. I pulled out the one c0nd0m I had in my pocket and he tilted his head.
"What's this?" he asked.
"It's something called a c0nd0m, it's basically like protection," I explained, opening it.
"O-oh ok," he sounded unsure.
"If you would like to stop at any time, tell me so," I reassured. I took off his pants and underwear. He took off my top, bottoms, underwear and bra. My tits sprung out and Rotxo gasped at the sighting.
"Like what you see?" I teased. He nodded his head not taking his eyes off of them. I smiled and applied the c0nd0m on his hard d*ck. "Oh baby your pre-cum is leaking," I giggled, wiping my hand. I gently pinned him down so he was laying down on his back. He stared at me waiting on what to do next.

"You ready?" I asked. He nodded his head and placed his hands down on the bed.
"Speak," I said.
"Yes Kiri," he let out.
"Alright, I'm going to sit on it ok?" I reassured.
"You can take control from there," I said.
"Okay," he said, getting ready. I sat on his d*ck as he slid it in. I let out a small whimper as I took it all in. "F*ck.." I groaned. He expected me to do something but I teased him and just sat on it.
"Baby please," he tried thrusting into me.
"I'm playing around," I giggled but still not moving.
"You want me to beg don't you?" he asked, looking up at me.
"Yes I do," I smirked.
"Please Kiri will you f*ck me?" he said, with puppy eyes. I nodded vigorously and then started.
He held onto my waist and thrusted into me as I also bounced on his d*ck. "Kiri!" he moaned.
"Learn," I replied, pressing onto his chest lightly. He bucked his hips and I knew that he was close already.
"You got to learn to hold it in," I demanded, smiling as he tried to hold it in. He nodded his head and bit his lip to stop his moans from being let out. My tits bounced up and down as I jumped on it which caused him to touch them. "Don't touch," I groaned, almost close as well.

As we continued, I leaned back and played with my tits to tease him. "Rotxo you're so big," I praised.
"Stop Kiri," he whimpered, bucking his hips. I giggled and continued to do it.
"Please let me touch," he asked, biting his lip.
"Hm beg," I replied.
"Please Kiri, may I touch your boobs? I'll be good," he said.
"Go on then," I replied. He sat up against the wall and shifted me closer too. He placed his hands on them and played with them. He was laughing at them but it wasn't enough. I needed this submissive, cute man to suck on them.
"Suck on them," I demanded.
"W-what?" he stuttered, letting go of them.
"You heard," I responded.
"You wanna be a good boy for me, right?" I asked, smiling at his dark blue face. He slowly nodded his head and his head was coming towards my left tit. He started sucking it while he played with right one. I could feel myself almost coming just because of this. Again, I started to bounce on it again and it caused him to bite on my tit. I pulled his hair from this and continued because the feeling was also real good and I was nearly there.

"Kiri I'm close," he moaned, bucking his hips.
"I'll let you cum, you were such a good boy," I allowed. He started sucking faster and going in and out faster. "F*ck Rotxo!" I yelped, holding onto his shoulders. My eyes rolled and my head was tilted all the way back. We both let our final moans as we came at the same time. He lost grip of my tits and he fell back onto the wall. I got off of his d*ck and looked at it. I could see the overload of c*m leaking. I took the c0nd0m off and unexpectedly slurped all of the white substance up. He groaned, tilting his head back,
"What was that?"
"You deserve it," I giggled, caressing his face.
"It felt good," he replied, asking for more.
"Rotxo how much more can you take!?" I asked.
"I have no idea," he laughed.
"First time doing this so I don't know," he replied, shrugging his shoulders.
"Wanna find out?" he teased.
"F*ck yeah," I muttered, smiling at him, pinning him down again.

Bruh bye hope u liked this bc I'm so bad at writing smut.

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