13 - Leaving

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notes: basically this is what Rotxo would do without Kiri

Rotxo POV:

This was the day. Kiri had to fly out to a different place for her school work. I decided I should visit her while she was packing up.

When I arrived to her house, her whole family was crying, even Jake Sully which was very rare. "Hey Rotxo," Kiri said, sobbing.
"Hi," I replied also crying into her chest.
"Just facetime me everyday please," I begged.
"Of course I will," she promised.

Everyone stood by the door waving her goodbye. "Bye Kiri!" Tuk finally said as I hugged her small body.
"I love you all!" she shouted.
"We love you too," we all shouted back.
She got in the taxi and it drove off.
"Come on kids, lets go inside," Jake said, trying his best not to let out another tear.
We all went back inside and everyone looked depressed. Neteyam was laying on couch, Lo'ak on the floor, Neytiri struggling to carry Tuk upstairs and Jake just doing his daily work. I went up to Lo'ak who looked like he was rating the floor. "Bro you good...?" I asked, very very concerned.
"What do you think?" he asked looking up with snot up his nose.
"Never mind put your head back down." I cringed.
Then, I went up to Neteyam who literally made the whole couch wet. "You alright," I asked.
He shook his head as he still had his head down.
"How are you not crying so much?" he asked.
"I just learnt to let things go," I replied.
He looked up confused.
"My parents," I let out.
"Oh, sorry," he apologised.
"It's alright," I said.

< Few Hours Later. >

Soon later, I went home. "What do you want for dinner?" grandma asked, sitting at the dining table, making homemade flowers.
"Not really hungry," I replied, scrolling through TikTok on my phone.
"Baby, you need to eat something, how about... ramen?" she insisted.
"Hm, okay grandma," I said.
She got up instantly starting to make it, what would I do without her? I was still staying the same position though, I felt like I had no motivation to do anything else. At that moment, I realised I had to text Kiri.

Kiri and Rotxo messages;

Rotxo: Babe! You landed safely?

Kiri: Heyyyy, yes I have, I'm getting dropped off to my apartment right now.

Rotxo: Oh alright, text me when you get there please 🤍

Kiri: Ofc I will

We texted for a long time, like a few hours max. Oh how I missed her do much. Luckily she would be back in like a week.
My food was finally ready. "Here you go!" grandma said, placing down the ramen.
"Thank you grandma," I said, rubbing my itchy eyes.
As I was eating, I went on my phone because I had nothing else to do while eating. I scrolled through the pictures of me and Kiri together and I teared up. "I miss you.." I whispered so grandma couldn't hear.

After dinner, I went upstairs to my room. I blasted some music in my room
but not too loud. Then, an idea popped up in ky head. I remembered I had hoodie that Kiri wore and I never washed it. I rushed to find it and it was hanging behind my door. As I put it on, I checked myself in the mirror to see if I looked nice. The scent reminded me so much of her, it felt like she was hugging me.

I decided that it was time to sleep. I made my way to the bathroom, doing all the essentials; brushing my teeth, showering, doing my curls. Kiri or Tsireya would normally help me do my hair but now I had to do it by myself. I couldn't be bothered to ring up Tsireya but luckily I already knew how to do because I was shown. Finally, I got out of the bathroom, then dried my hair so I could get to sleep. I remember my grandma telling me not to sleep with wet hair because it could give you a headache. Before bed, I scrolled on tiktok and also made a few thirstraps....
My grandma came to my room a few hours later and she told me to go to bed.
"Good night, RoRo," she whispered, kissing my forehead while I tugged onto my blanket.
"Night nana," I whispered back.

Kiri x RotxoWhere stories live. Discover now