Chapter 1

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"Lo'ak!" Tìyawn runs and hugs him, "are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Where's Tuk? And Kiri?" Lo'ak asks.
"They've ran further down. Neteyam is waiting there. I came to get you" Tìyawn says, looking at him worried.
He smiles, "Thankyou."

They make eye contact with each other.
"Tìyawn. Lo'ak. Come on, we have to go!" Neytiri shouts.
They break eye contact, looking up at Neytiri and back down at each other.

Lo'ak then holds Tìyawn's hand and runs with her, away from the sky people.
They stop as they reach the others.
"Is everyone okay?" Jake asks.
They all nod.

Jake looks up as he sees a helicopter.
He hurdles over his family, as he watches the helicopter fly away.
"Son of a bitch" he whispers before looking back down.

Tìyawn goes to hug Kiri, "are you okay?"
She nods, "I'm just. In shock."
Neytiri holds onto Tuk, whilst Jake has Lo'ak on one side and Neteyam on the other.

Tìyawn looks to Lo'ak and he looks back at her.
"Thankyou for coming to get me" Lo'ak says.
"I couldn't leave without finding you Lo'ak" Tìyawn replies.
"You are a good friend" Lo'ak says.
Tíyawn gives him a half smile, "yeah. Friend."

"Guys come. Fast" Neteyam calls out to them.
They both stand up and walk to Kiri, Tuk and Neteyam, who are listening to Neytiri and Jake's conversation, behind the mauri.

"I cannot. You cannot ask this" Neytiri says, "I cannot leave my people.
"He is targeting our family" Jake says.
"You can not ask this!" Neytiri shouts.
"What is going on?" Mo'at walks in, after hearing Neytiri shouts.

"The children. Everything they've ever known, the forest. This is our home!" Neytiri shouts.
"Daughter. Just listen to what he has to say" Mo'at says.
"He had our children. He had them under his knife" Jake says, "we have to leave and go somewhere far. Away from here, where he can't find us."

"He's right daughter" Mo'at says.
"Mother" Neytiri looks at her with pleading eyes.
"It will keep the kids safe. You must take Tìyawn with you too" Mo'at says.

The kids look at each other as they hear this.
"Tìyawn?" Jake asks, looking at Mo'at.
"You know I cannot look after her alone. If the sky people come here, it will be hard for her. She needs you guys. She needs Lo'ak, and the other kids. You cannot leave her here" Mo'at says.

Tìyawn looks down slowly, realising that Jake would not want to take her with them if Mo'at had not mentioned it.

Neytiri walks to the bow her father gave her, picking it up and placing it in front of Jake and Mo'at as it was still in her hands, "father gave me this bow as he lay dying, and he said to protect the people."

"This will protect the people" Mo'at says.
"You're Toruk Makto" Neytiri looks to Jake, trying to fight this.
"Look I've got nothing. I have no plan. But I can protect this family. That I can do" Jake says.

Neytiri looks down, not knowing what to say.
"Daughter" Mo'at tries to speak to her but she pushes past them and walks out, causing the kids to run away so that they do not get caught from hearing them.

"I will talk to her" Mo'at says and follows Neytiri.
Tìyawn is waiting in her mauri, before Mo'at walks in.

Tìyawn had been staying with Mo'at ever since she was a child. Her parents were never really discovered, as Mo'at had found her own her own, in the forest, in a diaper, with no idea of who she was or where she came from.

After Mo'at lost her husband, it was very hard for her. But this child changed her life around. Therefore she named her Tìyawn. Meaning love.

"Tìyawn" Mo'at calls out.
"I don't want to leave you. I don't want to leave the forest" Tìyawn says.
"Tìyawn just listen to me" Mo'at says.
She sits down next to Tìyawn, holding her hand, "it is for your safety. I want you to be safe."

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