Chapter 30

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They arrive outside the reef on their Skimwings, Tìyawn and Aonung were further ahead whilst the others were following behind, not too far.

Aonung notices something and calls to Tìyawn, "Tìyawn look. Over there!" 
He points down and Tìyawn looks sees a Tulkun.
"That isn't Payakan? Is it?" Aonung asks.

They fly down to the ocean.
As they land their Skimwings on the surface of the water, Tìyawn realises that it is in fact Payakan, as she sees their matching tattoo on him. He was laying in the sea with his eyes closed.

He gets off the Skimwing and swims to him.
"Payakan? What are you doing here? You were meant to return with the others" Tìyawn says to him.
Tonowari gets off his Skimwing to go towards Payakan.

The others sit back.

"Payakan?" Tìyawn calls out to him again.
As Tonowari comes towards Payakan, he can sense that something is wrong as he is unresponsive.
Tìyawn begins to sense the same thing but she doesn't want to believe it.

"Payakan? Wake up" she calls to him again, putting her hand on him.
Jake swims around to the other side of Payakan and horror was bought to her eyes.

"You guys might want to see this" Jake says.
Tonowari goes first and looks and closes his eyes, looking down.
"What? What is it?" Tìyawn asks as she makes her way to the other side.

She gasps, putting her hand in front of her mouth as she's bought to horror of Payakan's death.
His body was halfway cut open, with blood all over him.
Tìyawn touches his body, and sees the blood on her hands as she moves her hand away from him.

"No no" she mutters as she moves back.
Tonowari holds onto her, and looks up to Ronal.
They both look at each other.
Ronal then looks to Aonung and Rotxo, "he's dead. Payakan is dead."

Tìyawn let's out a crying scream as she feels herself almost falling, but Tonowari was holding onto her.
She sobs loudly as she continues to scream and cry, not believing that her brother was now dead.

The others looked down, as a sign of remorse.
Tonowari tries to comfort her as he holds onto her from the side but is bought to tears himself.

Jake looks at Payakan and notices that he has something on his fin.
He swims towards it and sees Spider's bracelet.
He holds it up and Aonung looks at it.
Putting two and two together, they realised, this had only just happened and that Payakan must have tried to save Spider's life.

Aonung looks to his right, seeing a ship not too far away.
He takes his Skimwing and goes underwater, swimming the other way.
Rotxo follows him too.

Jake looks to Tìyawn, "Tìyawn they have Spider."
Tìyawn looks up at Jake.
He holds up the bracelet in front of her, "they've taken Spider. We need to go get him back."
"I can't just leave. I can't just leave Payakan here!" Tìyawn shouts.

"We will stay" Tonowari says to her. 
She looks at him.
"Go. Find Spider and find those bastards who killed Payakan" Tonowari says to her.
"Remember Tìyawn" Jake says, causing her to look back at him again, "remember what Mo'at had always told you. You are her greatest strength. You are strong. You can do this."

Tìyawn nods, wiping her tears.
Without saying nothing she swims back to her Skimwing and gets on, going towards the ship.

Aonung swims out as he reaches the ship and jumps on quietly. He takes out his spear hunting arrow, as he's tip toeing around, trying to find a way inside. Rotxo takes the other side.

He hears two avatars walk out and stops walking.
"We can't hurt them. You know Quaritch would not want that, he just wanted to see his kid" he hears one of them say.
"Yeah and look what that bitch did. She killed him" he hears another one say.

They notice Aonung and he quickly turns his back on them, walking forward.
"Hey stand still!" One of them calls out.
"Who are you?" Another one says.

They continue to walk and as they get face to face with them, Aonung holds up his spear towards his chest and Rotxo holds his to the other ones head.
"Drop any weapons you have" Aonung says.
He laughs, "listen here kid. We haven't got what you want. So why don't you come back from wherever you came."

Aounung and Rotxo look at each other and realise they have no weapons on them in that moment.
The other two look at each other, "run!"
Aonung pulls one of them back from his T-shirt, and pulls him back so hard that he hits the back of his head on the edge of the ship.

He doesn't think twice and instantly kills him putting the spear through his chest.
He turns around and sees Rotxo punching the other one in the face. 
Aonung sees that he's moving backwards, towards him and points his spear out to him.

He falls backwards and his body goes straight through the spear.
Aonung and Rotxo both high five each other before looking at the two dead bodies.

"We should wear their clothes on and walk in. We'll have a better chance that way" Rotxo says.
Aonung agrees so they both take off the camo that the two men are wearing and put it on themselves.
Aonung sees his chest as the top is slightly tight on him.

"Damn bro, I've gotta say you look hot in that" Rotxo says.
Aonung looks at him and rolls his eyes, as he's finished putting the trousers on.

"We should throw these bodies over" Rotxo says and picks them both up.
"No wait" Aonung says and looks at the bodies, "chop their heads off first" he smirks at Rotxo.
"I like your thinking" Rotxo smiles back.

They chop the heads off and then throw the rest of the body into the water, only leaving the heads.
"Sir I just" a human woman comes out the ship and turns around.
Aonung and Rotxo both turn around and awkwardly smile.

She looks at Aonung and blushes, "sir I must say, I didn't realise how well that shirt looked on you."
He smirks and then feels the top part rip, exposing the top half of his chest.

"Hey, come here" Aonung says to her seductively.
Getting all excited, she walks towards him.
"Get on your knees" Aonung says.
"Sir I-" the woman is about to speak but Aonung cuts her off, "I said get on your knees. 

Rotxo walks behind, pretending to walk away.
She gets on her knees and looks up at him, "I did what you guys told me to do. We made sure the Tulkun had no idea on where we are of how to follow us. So is this my treat?" She asks.
Aonung pats her head gently, "oh this is some treat. Except, you're not my type."

"What?" She looks at him confused.
Rotxo holds her up from her throat, suffocating her.
"Where is the boy?" Aonung asks her.
"Sir I don't know, Lyle took him away like he always does" she says quickly as she panics.
"I can't breathe" she whispers.

Aonung laughs at her, "who else helped you with killing the Tulkun."
"We all" she gasps, "do it together."
"Rotxo don't hold her too tight. I'm trying to figure out what she's saying" Aonung says.
Rotxo loosens his grip from her throat.

Aonung then holds her from her jaw and makes her look at him, "who is all?"
"All the science people. They are all sat inside, tracking more Tulkun" She says.

He lets go of her jaw.
"Please don't kill me, I'll do anything for you" She says.
Aonung looks around, as he's fiddling with his knife.
"See normally I would let you off. Because you're a woman and I've been taught to never hurt a woman. But you hurt my mate. So therefore I have no choice but to kill you" Aonung shrugs his shoulders. 

"No please! I'll do anything!" She shouts again.
"Argh" Aonung groans, "see when you're pleading for your life I feel sorry for you.
He then looks up at Rotxo, "but I know someone who doesn't."

Rotxo takes the knife and cuts her throat, cutting her head off her body.
"I was actually convinced you felt sorry for her" Rotxo says.
"Well what can I say. I'm a great actor" Aonung takes out her ID, "we might need this."
Rotxo let's go of her head, throwing it with the other heads before dumping her body in the ocean.

"Let's go show them what happens when they mess with our family" Aonung turns around and walks towards the door to open it.
"Stupid humans can't even tell the difference between us avatars" Rotxo shakes his head in disappointment as he's walking behind Aonung.

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