Chapter 16

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"You are one of us now. You should not be with the outcast" Aonung says to Tìyawn, as he pulls her onto his ilu.
"He helped me Aonung. You don't understand if it was not for him, I would have been dead" Tìyawn replies.

"If my father is to find out about this" Aonung says.
"Then don't. Don't tell him" Tìyawn replies, "you have kept us a secret, keep this a secret too."
"This is different. This is about your safety" Aonung says.
"And I am safe. Am I not?" Tìyawn asks.

"We will talk when we get back. Right now, I need to take you home. It's late" Aonung says.
He makes Tìyawn hold onto him tightly before riding back.
They return, as Aonung brings her back to her marui.

"I said I'm fine" Tìyawn says to Aonung.
"I just want to check. Make sure that you are not hurt anywhere" Aonung replies back.
They walk in to her marui.

Aonung makes her sit down as he looks at her back.
"I told you I'm fine" Tìyawn says.
He checks anyways but she was right. She was fine, she was not hurt.
Aonung then goes to sit in front of her.

"What were you thinking? Going out the reef like that on your own?" Aonung asks.
"I'm a hunter now. I should be allowed to go out on my own" Tìyawn says, "I'm not a baby."

Aonung sighs and holds her hand, "no you're not a baby. And yes, you are a hunter. But, you have only just become one. It is still dangerous for you. On top of that, you are from the forest, you have not experienced the sea long enough to be safe on your own. You were sitting on a killer Tulkun's fin."

"He is not a killer. Otherwise I would have been dead by now. You don't understand Aonung, he actually helped me kill an akula" Tìyawn says.
"Wait, you hunted another akula?" Aonung asks.

"Yes. Kind of?" Tìyawn realises she's trapped herself.
Aonung looks at her confused.
She sighs, "okay yes. It is dangerous. And I almost got attacked by an akula."
"What?" Aonung looked at her shocked.

"Yes. I was on my own and the stupid thing creeped up on me but I killed it. And I didn't even have a bow and arrow with me I only had a hunting arrow. I took your bag by mistake" Tìyawn says. 

Aonung looks at her quite impressed.
"I thought you'd be angry" Tìyawn says.
"No I'm raging at the fact you went alone knowing it's dangerous. But you killed it with a hunting knife. My hunting knife? I've gotta say I'm actually impressed" Aonung says.

Tìyawn smiled but goes back to focusing on the topic of the conversation, "you cannot kill Payakan. Because he saved me."
Aonung nods, "okay. I won't."
"You cannot tell your father either. Or anyone. This secret stays with us two. Or you can tell Rotxo and the others. Just not your father" Tìyawn says.

He nods, "I won't."

There's a silence between the two.

"So, how was your day with Reya?" Tìyawn asks.
"Tìyawn please" Aonung rolls his eyes.
"No I genuinely want to know. Does she never have an actual conversation and just laugh all the time?" Tìyawn asks.

"The spoke about how much she missed when we were kids. Because we'd play with each other. And she did say we have become distant" Aonung says.
"Well why did you?" Tìyawn asks.
"She becomes obsessive. Thinks I'm her boyfriend when I explained to her so many times I'm not. I don't want her" Aonung says.

"Ahh I see" Tìyawn replies.
Aonung pulls Tìyawn towards him, inbetween his legs, "I only want you."
Tìyawn blushes and looks up at him, "I want you too."

They move in to kiss each other.
As they're kissing, Tìyawn placed herself on his lap with both her legs around his hips.
Aonung pulls away from her lips, as he begins to kiss her on her neck, giving gentle kisses.

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