Chapter 45

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Raya is asleep when she hears the sound of some little children laughing.

She wakes up and sits up, seeing Neteyam's stuff packed. Meaning he was already awake.

Raya stands up and walks out the marui, having one foot in and one foot out.

She stops herself as she sees Neteyam outside.

"Here catch it!" Neteyam shouts to the kid as he throws him what looks like a ball.

Raya watches Neteyam from afar.

"Ha ha!" One of the kids runs past Neteyam.

"Hey that's cheating!" Neteyam shouts and then looks up, seeing Raya awake.

"Oh. Good morning" Neteyam smiles at her.

Raya straightens her hair out with her fingers before walking out properly.

"Good morning Neteyam" she replies back.

After their little encounter last night, of Neteyam holding her, Raya felt a bit more flustered than usual.

"Good morning" she says, smiling shyly.

"You were sleeping quite sound fully, I did not want to wake you" Neteyam says.

Raya nods.

"So, are you ready for today?" Neteyam asks.

She nods, "you wouldn't mind me just, getting myself fresh would you?"

Neteyam looks at her confused.

"I want to wash my face. My eyes are just very tired" Raya says.

"Oh right. Yeah sure. I will take you" Neteyam says.
"Thankyou" Raya follows him.
"I'm almost done Spidey, just one last braid" Tìyawn says as she's sat behind him, braiding his hair.

"I want to go play! Tuk is waiting for me!" Spider says.

"I know and you can just one more" Tìyawn says to him.

Aonung walks in, and smiles as he sees Tìyawn braiding his hair.

"I want my hair done too" Aonung says.

"Really? But your hair looks fine to me" Tìyawn says.

"Ouch sister you're hurting me!" Spider shouts at her.

"Oh I'm so sorry" she gives him a quick kiss on the fourhead.

Aonung sits down, "I miss you. We haven't spent much time together in a while."

Tìyawn nods, "it's because I've been so busy. And you've been so busy."

She finishes off Spiders braid, putting a bead through the end.

"There you're all done" Tìyawn says to him.

"Yay!" He shouts and stands up, ready to run out.

"Spidey. What do we say before we go?" Tìyawn reminds him.

He turns around and goes towards her, giving her a hug, "I love you. And I will see you again soon."
Tìyawn smiles, kissing his cheek and hugging him back, "I love you too, and be back before eclipse."

He nods and runs out, finally feeling the freedom.

Tìyawn laughs and shakes her head.

She then looks to Aonung, who's already looking at her, staring at her intensely.

"What is it?" She asks him.
"I told you. I miss you" he says to her in a soft tone.

She smiles and pats on the floor, telling Aonung to come closer to her.

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