Chapter 23

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Tìyawn is asleep, as he has her back faces towards Aonung.
He wakes up first and sees Tìyawn laying down besides him.
He smiles and wraps his arms around her from behind.

He hears her grunt a little.
"Good morning" he says to her, as he hugs her tightly.
"Hm?" She responds with her eyes still closed.
"Wake up" he says to her.

"I'm tired" Tìyawn responds.
"Why? Is it because I kept you up all night?" He asks and smirks.
Tìyawn smiles and opens her eyes slowly.
She turns her head to face him, "you're never going to stop teasing me are you?"

"Me? Never" Aonung replies.
They both laugh.
"So what do you think? Will the others know?" Tìyawn asks.
"Well my father kind of knows" Aonung says.
"What? How?" Tìyawn asks.

"Well I told him last night I was going to see you in hopes of making you my mate" Aonung says.
"So you just knew I was going to give into you huh?" Tìyawn asks.
"Well, I was hoping you would" Aonung replies.

She rolls his eyes at him and laughs.
"You told me you loved me last night" Aonung says with a smile on his face.
"I did? I don't think I remember?" Tìyawn slowly gets up. 
"Are you really going to play that game?" Aonung asks, sitting up too.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" Tìyawn teases him.
"Shall I remind you?" Aonung asks.
"You can try. You've gotta catch me first" Tìyawn quickly stands up and runs off.
"Hey wait! Come back!" Aonung shouts and gets up, running after her.

He runs out and sees her.
She turns around and sticks her tongue out at him, "you're not going to get me!"
"Just you wait" Aonung runs after her.
He catches up to her and grabs her from the back.

They both laugh as he's holding onto her.
"You said it. Admit it" Aonung says.
She nods, "yes. I did."
He kisses her cheek, "see that wasn't so hard was it?"
She rolls her eyes and he smiles at her.

But they look away from each other and forward as they hear something.
Tìyawn and Aonung go to find out what it is.
As they walk forward, they see Spider, surrounded by some of the Metkayina boys.

"Your father is the reason we went to war" one of them says.
"You don't have a right to be here" another one says.
"I told you. He is not my father. I don't even like him!" Spider shouts.

"We should help him" Aonung says to Tìyawn.
"Do we have to? Every time I do something nice for him, he thinks I'm doing it as his sister" Tìyawn says.
"I know it's hard for you but, he's a little boy. It was not his fault" Aonung says.

"I know but, every time I look at him I'm just reminded of him" Tìyawn says, referring to Quaritch.
"You have every right to feel that way but you also have to remember, he didn't want him as a father himself. He practically begged you not to let him go back" Aonung says.

She sighs and walks forward towards them.
"Hey, knock it off" Tìyawn says.
The two boys look at Tìyawn.
"Just leave him alone" she says.

"Look who's come to protect her brother" one of them says.
She hisses at him.
"That's enough" Aonung says, walking forward.
"Aonung, tell your little friend to stand back" one of them says.

"Look" Aonung walks forward.
"Don't" Tìyawn looks at him.
Aonung stands back, listening to Tìyawn.
The boys laugh at him, "what, is she your mate now or something?"

Tìyawn walks forward, coming face to face with one of them, "I said back off. So back. Off."
"And what you going to do if I don't?" He crosses his arms and looks at Tìyawn.
She pulls him back by his hair, kneeing him in his crotch.

Tìyawn let's go of his hair as he holds onto his crotch and kneels down, "argh."
"You asked me what I was going to do. I just showed you" Tìyawn says, "if I see you trying to bully him again, I'll break your face next."
His friend helps him up, "come on let's just go."

"I'll get you back" he says holding his crotch as he's getting dragged by his friend.
"Yeah I'd love to see that" Tìyawn replies.
She then turns around to look at Spider.
"I might have helped you. But don't think you're my brother. Because you are not" Tìyawn says and walks off.

Spider looks down feeling embarrassed.
Aonung walks to him, placing his hand on Spiders shoulder, "it will take her time but she'll come through."
Spider looks up at Aonung, "I know it's hard for her. But it's hard for me too."

Aonung nods, "it'll get better."
He then walks off, after Tìyawn.
Aonung finishes helping Tìyawn, as he ties up the back of her breast holder.
"Yesterday I was taking it off and today I'm putting it on" Aonung says.
"Aonung! Stop it!" Tìyawn tells him off.

"What's wrong? You normally love my jokes" Aonung says.
"I'm just scared" Tìyawn replies.
Aonung turns her around to face him, "why? What's bothering you?"

"Well we're going to see your parents" Tìyawn says.
"But you've met them already anyways" Aonung replies.
"I know but it's different this time. I'm now being introduced as your mate" Tìyawn says. 
"Tìyawn listen to me" he holds her hand, "you have nothing to be afraid of. I'm right here. Beside you."

She smiles at him.
"Besides you, in you" he jokes around again.
"Aonung!" She hits his arm lightly and they both laugh.
Tìyawn walks into Tonowari's marui with Aonung, hand in hand.
Ronal is the first to see them.
She smiles, "Aonung. Tìyawn" she calls out.
Tonowari looks to their direction and then stands up to greet them.

He touches Tìyawn's head, giving her his blessing.
"Tìyawn sit" he says to her.
She sits down and Aonung sits down next to her.
Tonowari and Ronal sit down opposite each other.
"We just wanted to start off by apologising. To both of you" Tonowari says.

"The truth is, we are always worried about Aonung. After losing Tsyal, he went through a lot. It was a lot of emotions and it was a lot for us, as his parents. Seeing him hurt, hurt us.  And we didn't want that for him again. But we compared you so much to Tsyal, not understanding that you are not her" Ronal says.

"We both got in the way of your relationship and we caused problems that should have not been caused but, we are terribly sorry. And we understand now what we did wrong and we just want to say we're ready to accept you, as our sons mate. If he is happy with you, then so are we" Tonowari says.

"Thankyou. I understand where you're coming from because I know that it must have been hard losing your son and I know that when something familiar happens again, it's hard to not question if you'll go through it again. But I'm glad we are past that now, because I can promise you, I will keep your son happy. I'd never want him to be upset, because seeing him upset hurts me. I am in love with him and I can insure you, that I will never leave him" Tìyawn says, thanking Tonowari and Ronal.

They smile at her.
"So you have already both mated, is that correct?" Tonowari asks
Aonung and Tìyawn both nod.
"Congratulations. I am proud of both of you" Tonowari says to Aonung as he stands up.

Aonung stands up to as he goes to hug his father.
Ronal stands next to Tonowari, also hugging Aonung.
Tìyawn smiled as she looks at Aonung, hugging his parents. 
Ronal then walks to Tìyawn, hugging her, "welcome to our family Tìyawn."
Tonowari smiles, "welcome Tìyawn."
Aonung and Tìyawn walk out of Tonowari's marui, holding hands.
"Woo!" They hear everyone cheer, causing them to jump.

"What's all this?" Tìyawn looks at them in surprise.
"You guys are finally mates!" Neteyam shouts.
"Yay! My favourite couple!" Kiri shouts.
Tìyawn and Aonung both laugh, seeing their friends happy for them.

"So.. was it rough or passionate?" Rotxo asks.
"Rotxo!" Aonung shouts and laughs.
"Aonung let go of my hand so I can beat his ass" Tìyawn says.
Aonung let's go of Tìyawn's hand.

"Okay it's time for me to run" Rotxo runs off.
Tìyawn runs after him, "get back here. I'm going to kill you!"
"I'm sorry. Please don't kill me!" Rotxo shouts back as he's continuing to run away from Tìyawn.

Aonung laughs at them.
"Hey, I just wanted to say congrats" Lo'ak says to Aonung.
"Thanks" Aonung replies.
"Please keep her happy. She deserves to be happy" Lo'ak says.
"I will" Aonung replies.

They both shake each others hand.

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