Chapter 42

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As it gets past eclipse, and it is dark outside, Raya and Neteyam are still out, but making their way back.

"Is the forest as beautiful as this at night?" Raya asks.
"Oh definitely. Maybe if I could show you one day, I would" Neteyam says to her.
She smiles, "It would be nice to see that. Learn more about your people and what you do."

"But do you not like it here? The sea is beautiful, the animals here are beautiful. The people" Neteyam asks.
Raya sighs, "of course I do. But I feel like I've seen it all my life. It would be nice to see the beauty of the forest too."

Neteyam nods, "I see."
He smirks, thinking of an idea.
They return back home.

"Thankyou for today. I enjoyed spending time with you" Raya says to Neteyam.
"Hey, I'm just full of surprises I guess" Neteyam shrugs.
Raya laughs, "well I should go. Ronal is probably waiting for me."

"Let me take you back" Neteyam says to her.
"No it's okay. You probably want to get back to your own marui" Raya says to him.
"No seriously. Let me take you back. It's dark out and there's always creeps around" Neteyam says to her.

She nods and smiles, "very well."
Neteyam walks next to her, taking her to Ronal and Tonowari's marui.

"I must say, you look different with your hair braided. It looks good on you" Neteyam says to her.

"Oh thankyou" Raya replies, feeling a little flustered.

"I'm guessing Kiri did it on you. She loves doing people's hair" Neteyam says. 
Raya nods, "she is very talented at it."

"I could do your hair too" Neteyam laughs.
"Really?" Raya questions him.
"I do Tuk's hair sometimes. I could do yours too" Neteyam shrugs.

"Sounds like a plan" Raya stops for a moment and looks at him.
He looks back at her and they both smile.

But their moment is interrupted when someone comes running to Neteyam, "Neteyam!"
He turns around seeing Yuna run to him.

"Yuna?" Neteyam looks at her confused, "why are you out so late?"
"Oh Neteyam" she hugs him, "I missed you so much!"

"Yuna I think you're forgetting we're not together anymore" Neteyam says.

"I'll take it from here" Raya says and gives Neteyam a wave.
"Are you sure?" Neteyam asks, struggling to get Yuna off him.
"You have other problems to deal with right now. Don't worry about me" Raya smiles at him and walks off.

He looks at her walking off.
Neteyam then looks down at Yuna, "get off me!"
He pushes her off, "what is wrong with you."

"Neteyam. I'm sorry for leaving you. You were the only guy that was good to me" Yuna holds his hand, "and I regret leaving you. Please give me another chance."

"What? Yuna I-" he looks and sees Ronal taking Raya in.
He looks back at Yuna.

"I'm sorry but I can't give you another chance" Neteyam says.

"But why?" Yuna looks at him pleadingly.

"I asked you from the start for something serious. And you said no. You kept me waiting only to then leave me for another person" Neteyam says.

"And I'm sorry" Yuna holds onto his arm tightly but he pushes her off.

"Sorry is not enough. You really hurt me. But I've moved on. And I don't want you" Neteyam turns around and walks away.
Tìyawn and Aonung are sat down, whilst Spider is asleep.

"Say aah!" Aonung whispers to Tìyawn.
Tìyawn opens her mouth and Aonung gives her some fruit to eat.
"I told you I can eat it myself Aonung" Tìyawn says.

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