Chapter 2

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"So. Your name is Tìyawn right?" Aonung says as he's helping her hold her things, walking to her marui.

She nods in response.
"You're not very talkative" Aonung says.
"I don't want to talk" Tìyawn replies.
"Is it because they made you feel like an outsider?" Aonung asks, referring to Jake.

She shakes her head no, "I am used to how he treats me. He's just scared I might be some sort of spy."
Aonung laughs, "you do not look like a spy. His son however" he refers to Lo'ak.
"Do not speak about Lo'ak that way. He is a good person. You just don't know him" Tìyawn says.

"Wow. Even after they treat you like an outsider" Aonung seemed surprised at Tìyawn defending Lo'ak.
"He has done nothing wrong to me. We are good friends. All of us. It is just their father" Tìyawn replies.

"I mean it makes no sense to me. If you were a spy, would he not be dead by now?" Aonung asks.
Tìyawn shrugs her shoulders and sighs, "not that I care."
"But you care for that boy Lo'ak right?" Aonung asks.
"Of course" Tìyawn replies.

"Oooh. Do you like him?" Aonung asks.
She rolls her eyes and ignores him but as she turns her head the other way, she smiles, hiding her blushing self.

Aonung does not say anything back but smirks.
"Well, this is where you will be staying" Aonung says as they reach the marui.
"Oh wow. This is big for one person" Tìyawn says.
"There's many boys here for you to share with" Aonung says slyly.

"What?" Tìyawn looked at him shocked.
"I mean, a lot of the boys were checking you out. So if it doesn't work with the Sully boy, you can always try one of us?" Aonung suggests as he gives Tìyawn a flirty look.

She rolls her eyes, "yeah whatever. Thanks for helping. Now get out."
"Hey I'm just trying to help your love life" Aonung says.
"Please. Do not" Tìyawn says.
"Very well" he shrugs and laughs.
Tìyawn laughs too, shaking her head.

"I'll see you later" Aonung says and walks out.
Tìyawn looks around at all the empty space in the marui.
"I wish you were here" she whispers to herself as she's thinking about Mo'at.
"What you did to Tìyawn was very wrong" Neytiri says to Jake.
"It was not cool dad" Lo'ak adds on.
"They needed to know the truth. We can't lie to them" Jake says.
"There was no need to say anything. We promised my mother we'd look after her and already she is not even here" Neytiri says.

"Oh I just realised" Neteyam looks around.
"Is she okay? Where did she go?" Lo'ak walks out and sees her walking towards him.
"She's fine. She's here" Lo'ak says.
"See. Everything is fine" Jake says to Neytiri.

"Where did you go?" Lo'ak asks.
"I went to set my stuff up in my marui" Tìyawn replies.
"You have your own?" Neteyam asks.
"Tìyawn. You know you could come and stay with us" Neytiri says.

"Thankyou but, I don't want to cause any trouble. I am okay on my own" Tìyawn says.
"Tìyawn. You are no trouble to us" Neytiri says.
Tìyawn smiles and then looks to Lo'ak, "I was waiting for you guys to come. Tsireya, Aonung and their friend Rotxo are waiting for us."

"We have a family meeting first" Jake says.
Tìyawn nods, "okay then."
She turns around awkwardly and dismisses herself.
"She's our friend father" Kiri says.
"Yeah. Don't pick on her" Lo'ak replies.
"I just don't trust her" Jake says.

Neytiri shakes her head in disappointment.
"Hey" Tìyawn says, walking to Tsireya, Aonung and Rotxo.
"Where are the others?" Tsireya asks.
"They should be coming. They are having a family meeting" Tìyawn tells them.
Tsireya nods.

It's awkward as they stand there waiting for the others, until one of Aonung's friends come towards them, "hey forest girl."
She gives him a side eye.
"Hey I'm trying to be nice. You're cute" he says.
"And I'm not interested" Tìyawn says.

Tìyawn Where stories live. Discover now