Chapter 51

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Tsireya comes into the marui the next morning, finding Aonung fast asleep and Ma'eve eating on her own.

"Hey Ma'eve" Tsireya whispers to her.

Ma'eve waves to her.

"Fathers still sleeping" Ma'eve whispers.

She nods, "grandma is waiting for. You have your lesson today."

Ma'eve whispers, "I will be back."

She tiptoes around Aonung and walks out the back of the marui.

Tsireya looks at her hungover brother who's fast asleep.

Rotxo walks in just two seconds after.

"He's still asleep" Rotxo states.
Tsireya nods and sighs.

Ma'eve comes back, ready to leave with Tsireya.

"Aonung. Im taking Ma'eve for her lesson" Tsireya says to him.

Aonung hms in response.

"Tsireya is taking Ma'eve for her lesson" Rotxo makes it loud and clear to him.

"Okay" Aonung grunts and turns the other way.

Rotxo looks at Tsireya, "go. Take her. I'll sort him out."

Tsireya walks out with Ma'eve.

Rotxo takes a bowl, walking out to the back. He comes back inside, with water inside the bowl. 

He pours it over Aonung's face.

Aonung wakes up in shock, "bro what is wrong with you!"

"Get up!" Rotxo shouts.

"Why? What for?" Aonung asks.

"Eat something. Start your day. Do something!" Rotxo shouts at his friend.

"Ugh you're so annoying" Aonung grunts.

"Good!" Rotxo shouts back at him.

It's silent for a moment.

"I spoke to Tìyawn" Rotxo says.

"I don't care" Aonung avoids looking at him.

"Well I do. And I can tell you that Tìyawn is choosing to let you go" Rotxo lies to Aonung.

Aonung eyes shot wide open, but he still does not look up at Rotxo.

"She was tired of waiting for you. She's tired of how you are towards her. Towards your own daughter. You promised you'd look after her properly yet she's awake eating on her own every morning" Rotxo says to him.

"I don't care" Aonung lies to himself.

"Don't care. Tìyawn does not either" Rotxo lies to him and then walks out.

As he walks out, Aonung looks in the direction that he walked out.

He puts his hand over his heart and gasps.

Aonung begins to cry, sitting in the marui on his own.

But in reality he was not alone.
Rotxo was stood outside, being able to hear Aonung's attempted quiet cries.

It brings him to tears too.

But he cannot confess that she is still waiting.

He needs Aonung to open his eyes.
"Where are we going today grandma?" Ma'eve asks Ronal.

"You will see" Ronal smiles at her.

They were riding on Ronal's Skimwing.

Ma'eve was sat in front whilst Ronal was sat behind her.

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