Chapter 32

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"Well I guess his daughter already found his way here" Lyle laughs.
"Actually no she hasn't. She's not here" Aonung replies as he's sat on the floor tied up next to Spider.
"Well why are you here then? For this boy?" Lyle asks.
Aonung nods, "we all care about him. He's a child. Let him go."

Tìyawn creeps up from the top deck and can get a view of down below, seeing both Spider and Aonung tied up.
She looks worried, "no no no this cannot be happening" she whispers.

Lyle walks towards Aonung and holds him from his hair, putting a knife against his throat, "what are you going to do if I don't let him go."
"Don't! Don't kill him! That's sisters mate, she loves him!" Spider shouts.
Lyle looks up at Spider, still holding onto Aonung.

"If you hurt him you hurt her. And you made a promise not to hurt us" Spider says.
Lyle looks at Aonung, "count this your lucky day."
He lets go and stands back up.

Tìyawn sighs of relief.
"Sir you're letting him off too lightly. You're gone soft" one of his men say.
"I'm not soft. I just don't break promises" Lyle replies, "I'm loyal to Quaritch. Unlike you."

"What's going on?" Another avatar walks in and sees Aonung sat on the floor. But ignores him and looks at Spider and then to Lyle.
"We have Quaritch's son. But we can't find his daughter" Lyle tells him.
"You can't" the avatar slaps his head in his palm and then looks back up at Lyle, "you can't find his daughter?! Why would you take his son without his daughter. She will kill you!"

"Käi bought him in exchange for us giving his mother back" Lyle says.
"Do you even know why Quaritch wanted to save up his dna with hers? Do you know how powerful she is?" He asks Lyle.
"No sir" Lyle says looking down.

"Keep and eye out. She could be anywhere for all we know" he says to Lyle.
He then looks at Aonung, "who's this?"
"Tìyawn's mate" Lyle replies.
He looks at Aonung unbothered and then walks to Spider, holding him from his neck.

"Let him go!" Aonung shouts.
"Where is she?" He asks Spider.
Spider shakes his head no, as he's feeling too suffocated to speak. 

Tìyawn gets her bow and arrow out, pointing it towards him.
She feels herself tremble a bit, as she's worried she might accidentally hit Spider.
"Great mother please. Do not let me hit him please" she whispers.

She lets go of the bow and arrow and it hits the avatar in the head.
His grasp becomes loose around Spiders neck as he falls backwards, causing the arrow to go straight through the other side of his head.

She falls back as she knows what's coming.
One of Lyle's men begins to shoot upwards but misses her because he can't see where she is.
"No wait!" Lyle stops him.
"Bro they just shot one of our people!" He shouts and looks at Lyle.

"It's her. It's Tìyawn, look at the arrow!" Lyle shouts.
He realises and slowly puts the gun down.
"Tìyawn listen just come out. We can talk about this. I haven't hurt either your mate nor your brother. I will not hurt you too just please, come down" Lyle says.

"You know not to hurt them because if you do you know what will happen to you. You'll know I'll kill you!" Tìyawn shouts.
Lyle looks to his man, and points upwards, telling him to go find her, but without using his words so that she does not hear.

"Look, Quaritch was a good friend of mine. And you are his daughter, meaning you are like my daughter too. Please let's just be civil about this" Lyle says.
"Tìyawn! Left three!" Aonung shouts.
Lyle walks to him, "what did you tell her?"
Aonung smirks, "you wanted to be civil right?"

Tìywan turns to her left and runs forward, attacking Lyle's man.
"Lyle!" He shouts to him.
Lyle looks up but still can't see as it's too dark on the upper deck.

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