Chapter 24

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As it gets past eclipse, the people of the clan were sat in their marui's. Either sleeping or with family.

Tìyawn and Aonung had decided to go to the forest again, by the edge of the reef.

"Being mates and knowing this is where we had our first kiss, makes this place even more special" Aonung says.
Tìyawn smiles as she's walking ahead of him, but still holding onto his hand.

"It is very special. Maybe we should have date night here" Tìyawn says.
"Like our meet up place?" Aonung asks.
She nods and turns around to face him, "that would be romantic. Would it not?"
Aonung nods and smiles, "I'd love that. To be here. With you."

He pulls her in for a peck.
They continue to walk.
"I wonder if the forest is like this where you live" Aonung asks.
"It is similar. But of course ours is a lot bigger. And it was once very beautiful, but with the sky people around, it might not be so much anymore. They destroyed our home completely" Tìyawn says. 

"Hey, Eywa has always something in store. She gives and she takes. That is just the way of life" Aonung says.
Tìyawn nods, "I know."
"Which is why I have to talk to you" Aonung stops walking.

"You can't break up with me now. Not after you mated with me" Tìyawn says.
"What? No of course i would not" Aonung says.
"What is it you want to talk about?" Tìyawn asks.
"It's about Spider" Aonung says.
"Aonung" she sighs at him.

"Look just hear me out. Spider is a child. He is only ten years old. And it must be really scary for him, being here on his own. No family.  The boy has been through so much torture too. I don't think you see it, but he's been through very similar trauma to you" Aonung says.

"Yes but, it is also different. Because he has been accepted by Jake Sully. It took me years and even then, he only tolerated me because of Mo'at, and now because of your father" Tìyawn says.

"I know but again, it is similar with him because even though Jake had accepted him, Neytiri has not. And I know it's hard for you to see it because you don't want to be reminded of Quaritch, but Spider is your brother. He needs you" Aonung says.

She sighs and looks down, "I'm just scared."
"Why?" Aonung asks, cupping her cheek to make her look up at him.
"Because what if we do bond well, and I do like him and we get along. And then I lose him. I can't have that again. I can't go through that heartbreak again, I'll lose myself" Tìyawn says.

"It's okay to be scared. But don't let that stop you from building a relationship with him. You've built a bond with me. Just try to build a bond with him" Aonung says.
She nods and agrees, "I'll try."

He smiles at her, "my love, you are the best."
"Only yours" Tìyawn replies as she brushes her nose against his.
"Tomorrow you will have to help Spider with teaching him our ways. He needs help with his breathing" Aonung says.

She nods, "where are you going tomorrow?"
"I will be with some of the hunting students. Going to be teaching them how to ride a Skimwing" Aonung says.
Tìyawn nods, "put on a show. I love to see you riding."

He looks at her shocked and she smirks at him.
"You're a completely different person when you're alone with me" Aonung says.
"Should I not be?" Tìyawn asks.
"No no please do. I love it" Aonung replies.
"Good" Tìyawn smirks at him.

They continue to go about their date night, as they ride their Ilu's together, going on ilu races with each other. They return back to the forest, to eat some fruit as they spend the night talking to one another.

As they're both laying down looking up towards the sky, Aonung is telling Tìyawn a story, "I fell back into the water again because I was too tired to hide. So I stayed underwater for a good thirty minutes or so, and then."

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