Chapter 54- Part 2

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Aonung arrives towards the cove.

He looks up, seeing the clouds turn grey.

He looks back down, looking at the Spirit Tree under the sea, as he was still sat on his Skimwing.

It was like he was stuck. He couldn't move, to get off and go towards the spirit tree.

As he's sat there, staring at the tree, it begins to rain.

He looks up at the sky.

Realising it was a sign. A sign from Eywa. As he remembered how Tìyawn loved the rain.

He dries his eyes, before getting off his Skimwing slowly. He then makes his way towards the spirit tree, swimming under water.

When he gets to it, he stares at it with a blank expression on his face.

He looks down at his queue that he was holding in his hand and back up again at the tree.

Aonung takes a deep breath, composing himself.

He then brings his queue forward, connecting it to the tree and his eyes were already closed.

He finds himself near the sea.

Aonung looks around, as it's empty.

He felt scared.



He had no idea what was going on.

But what he didn't know is Tìyawn knew he came.

She felt his energy.

His heartbeat.

His fear.

His confusion.

Tìyawn walks out of her marui, seeing him stood there, looking towards the ocean.

She walks down slowly, making her way towards him.

His back is faced towards her, but he knows she is there, as he begins to hear her breathing.

He could feel her heartbeat.

Hear it.

"Aonung" she calls out to him.

She looks at his hands, seeing him fiddle with his fingers as he's avoiding to look at her.

Tìyawn walks closer to him, holding his hand.

It felt as though his hand was melting.

It was first cold, and now he could feel the warmth of Tìyawn's hand on his.

"You came" Tìyawn says, as her voice breaks slightly.

She looks at him.

Aonung looks up, blinking a couple of times. 

He had took a deep breath in.

Aonung then let it out slowly, putting his head slowly back down.

"I'm sorry" Tìyawn says to him.

She looks at him with pleading eyes. Hoping that he'd turn around.

And he does.

His eyes go from bottom to top, as her face was the last thing he laid his eyes on.

They both looked at each other in complete silence.

Aonung begins to think about all their times together before she has passed.

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