Chapter 38

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Neteyam and Rotxo bring Änsìt to Aonung, holding him from each side of his arm as they're dragging him forward, his knees bloody and scraping on the floor.

Tìyawn is still holding onto Aonung, with her head leaned against his chest as she's sobbing.
Aonung shushes her, putting his hand over the back of her head, "I'm so sorry my love. I'm so sorry."

He hears Neteyam and Rotxo come back and turns his head around.
Änsìt looks up and Aonung can see Rotxo and Neteyam already beat him up a little bit.

"Take her back to my mother and father" Aonung says to Rotxo.
Rotxo and Neteyam let go of Änsìt and throw him onto the floor, knowing he's too weak to get back up.

Aonung let's go of Tìyawn.
"No no no please" Tìyawn looks at Aonung, completely frightened.
"Tìyawn go with Rotxo. I promise I will come back to you" Aonung says.

He kisses her on her fourhead and let's go of her.
Rotxo holds onto Tìyawn, "it's going to be okay. Let's go" he says to her in a soft tone.
Knowing she can trust him, Tìyawn nods and goes back with Rotxo and Neteyam.

Aonung turns around and looks down at Änsìt, "you just couldn't keep your hands to yourself could you? You dirty bitch!"
He kicks Änsìt in the face and watches him fall over, hitting his back onto the ground.

Änsìt looks at him, "I almost had her. Almost."
Aonung grunts in frustration as he moves down and begins to punch Änsìt in the face relentlessly, "you can say whatever you like to me. Do whatever you want to me. But you touched my mate?!"

He moves back a little, looking at Änsìt's bloody face.
"I deserve to be chief" Änsìt says, taking a deep breath in, "my father should have been chief. Not yours."
"I don't care about being chief. This has nothing to do with being chief!" Aonung shouts and uses both his fists punching him right in the nose.

He hears Änsìt's nose crack as he does so.
"Arghhh!" Änsìt shouts in pain.
Aonung grabs him by his neck, "tell me why I shouldn't just suffocate you and kill you here. Right now?"

"Because we're family" Änsìt says weakly.
Aonung stands up and kicks him in the crotch, "that's not a good enough excuse for what you have done."
"She doesn't deserve you" Änsìt whispers as he's too weak, "she deserves a man like me."
Rotxo and Neteyam bring Tìyawn to Ronal.
Ronal was sat down with Neytiri, Tsireya and Lo'ak.

Ronal sees Tìyawn and immediately stands up, walking to her as she sees her shaking, "what's going on?"
"Änsìt tried to touch her" Rotxo says.
"What?" Ronal's eyes shot wide open.

She looks at Tìyawn, softening her eyes for her, "Oh Tìyawn."
Ronal pulls her in for a hug.
Neytiri comes forward whilst Lo'ak and Tsireya look at each other in shock, not knowing what to say or think.

"I tried to run away from him. But. But I couldn't" Tìyawn mutters as she still sobbing.
Ronal holds her tightly, "you're a brave woman Tìyawn. You did a good."

"I must tell my father" Tsireya stands up and runs out to go look for Tonowari.

As she's looking, she sees her father with his brother near their marui.

"Father!" Tsireya shouts as she runs to him.
"Tsireya daughter. What is wrong?" Tonowari asks.
"Tìyawn. She's in there. Crying. And shaken. And scared" Tsireya says and then looks at Tonowari's brother and pushes him, "your son did this!"

"What?" Tonowari's brother looks at her, not knowing what is going on.
"Tsireya what do you mean what's happened?" Tonowari asks Tsireya to explain to him properly.
"Änsìt tried to touch Tìyawn" Tsireya says.

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