Chapter 49

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Everyone was still gathered outside the marui, waiting for Aonung to come out.

He came out after a while, not looking anyone but Neytiri, who was holding his child.

He walked to her, taking Ma'eve out her arms.

"Wash her body and get her ready. We will lay her down with our ancestors tonight" Aonung says, with no expression, nothing on his face.

"Aonung" his father called out to him.

He looks at his father, "I have nothing else to say."

Aonung walks back in to the marui.

Neytiri and Ronal follow behind, to go and clean Tìyawn's body up.

"What's happened to my sister? Where is she?" Spider asks Jake.

"Spider" Jake puts him down on his two feet, before kneeling in front of him.

He holds onto Spider's shoulders, "your sister. She was too weak."

"She is not weak. She is strong!" Spider shouts.

Jake shakes his head no, "her body was too weak. Spider, your sister. She's gone."

"But why? If she is weak, aunt Ronal could help her couldn't she?" Spider asks.

"She could not. It was out of Aunt Ronal's control. Tìyawn will now return with Eywa" Jake tries to let down the news to Spider in the decent way possible.

"But that means" Spider realised what Jake says.

"I'm sorry bud" Jake's voice slightly croaks as he sees the look on Spider's face.

Ronal and Neytiri walk in, seeing Aonung cleaning up Ma'eve.

They see that Aonung had already covered her up, and closed her eyes.

He tied her hair back.

Ronal looks at Aonung, but he did not take his eyes of Ma'eve.

She understood that he was hurt. But she did not know how she could help.

"We must wash her body" Neytiri says to Ronal.

She takes her eyes off Aonung and looks at Neytiri.

She nods and then takes a bowl, before walking out.

Neytiri sits next to Tìyawn, taking her cloth off from underneath, but still leaves the blanket over her that Aonung used to cover her up.

She then lifts Tìyawn up, removing her breast holder before laying her back down.

Ronal comes back with the water in her hand.

Neytiri lifts up the blanket, and Ronal washes Tìyawn's body from underneath.

Once she is done, Ronal then moves towards her upper body, whilst Neytiri puts on a clean cloth.

She then waits for Ronal to finish cleaning the top half of Tìyawn's body.

Neytiri then lifts Tìyawn up, putting on a clean breast holder.

Ronal then moves the blanket away.

She ties Tìyawn's legs together whilst Neytiri ties up Tìyawn's hands together.

Aonung puts on his cape that his father gave to him, before picking up his daughter again.

He then walks out. 

"Aonung?" Spider looks at him with teary eyes, "why has she left?"

Aonung ignores him and walks past him.

Spider begins to cry.

"Shh shh. It's going to be okay" Jake hugs him, "you'll be okay."

Aonung continues to walk with Ma'eve in his hands.

He could see the people of the clan waiting for him.

"Aonung" Rotxo calls out.

He continues to walk without looking back at Rotxo.

Rotxo follows him, holding him from his shoulders to make Aonung turn around and look at him.

"I will introduce my family to the clan. But there will be no ceremony tonight. Only a funeral" Aonung says with a cold expression on his face.

"Let me come with you" Aonung says.

"I can do it on my own" Aonung turns to walk away.

Rotxo turns back around, seeing Kiri crying.

He walks to her and holds onto her, resting his chin above her head.

He closes his eyes, composing himself from the tears.

Ronal walks out, "she is clean. The body is ready."

Spider runs into the marui.

"Spider wait!" Jake calls out.

Ronal let's him go past her.

She closes the curtain behind him.

She looks at Jake and closes her eyes slowly, giving him a nod.

Spider walks in slowly.

He sees Tìyawn laying down.

He sits down next to her.

"Sister. I know you can hear me. But you can't talk" He starts off, "that is fine. I will just speak. I'm sorry, that you are not here. I remember how excited you were when you spoke about this. About your baby. I had seen her. She is beautiful, like you."

He sighs and holds onto her finger as her hands are pointing out, infront of him, as she's laid in the fetal position.

"You gave me a reason to live sister. So from now on I will look after myself, so I can live for you" Spider says, "it will be hard without you. Quiet. But I will try my best. You are my sister after all."

He sighs, "I don't want to make Aonung angry. So I will leave now. But sister, I didn't get a chance to tell you this before you were gone, but I am thankful for you. And I love you."

He moves his lips to her finger, giving her a kiss.

Spider finally lets go of her finger and stands up, walking out.

Jake walks to him, picking him up once again.

"I'm okay. I'm strong. Just like how sister taught me" Spider says to Jake.

Jake nods and smiles.
They arrive at the cove just after eclipse.

The people of the cove were gathered around, as Aonung came forward with Jake, as they were both holding onto a cloth that Tìyawn was laying in.

Rotxo looks at Tìyawn's body and is bought to tears.

Kiri holds onto his hand tightly, comforting him.

They slide her body off the cloth.

Lo'ak sees Tìyawn's body.

He stood in shock. Not knowing how to feel. What to say. It was like his mind was completely blank.

The little girl he was bought up with. Played with. Was best friends with. He watched her grow up with him. And now he's watching her life end before his.

Aonung and Jake dive underwater, both holding onto Tìyawn.

Neytiri was stood whilst holding onto Tuk.

Tonowari was stood next to Ronal, reading out the prayer whilst Ronal was holding Ma'eve.

Neteyam was holding Spider, his other hand was holding onto Raya's hand.

Lo'ak was still in shock, and his eyes were slightly teared. Tsireya looked at him, her own eyes filled with tears.

She held onto his arm, to comfort him.

They lay her body down under the sea.

Aonung watches her as her body lays peacefully under the sea. Until the sea took her. Leaving nothing but his foggy, teary eyes.

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