Chapter 22

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"So, will you forgive me?" Aonung asks.
"I already have" Tìyawn says, "I forgave you the first time you apologised to me. I just wanted to make you suffer."

"Oh really?" He raises his eyebrows at her, putting his arms around her waist.
She nods, giving him a devilish smirk.
"I deserved it" Aonung says.
"Yes. Yes you did!" Tìyawn shouts at him.

He smiles, pressing his nose against hers, "I'm just so happy to have you back."
"But what about your mate?" Tìyawn asks.
He moves back to look at her.
"Your parents would not accept me as your mate" Tìyawn says.

"They changed their mind. But now it is up to you. If you want to mate with me then" he gets cut off as Tìyawn leans in to kiss him.
He kisses her back, as his arms are holding her from her waist, keeping her close to him.

She pulls away from the kiss and looks at him, "I want it. I want to mate with you. Tonight."
He looks at her, as his eyes make a quick scan up and down at her face two times, before he pushes his lips agains hers, using one hand behind her neck.

Without breaking from the kiss, he moves her agains the marui, with her back hitting it gently.
He moved the way from the kiss, looking at her, with his hand still behind her neck, "you don't understand just how much I've imagined this night to be."

She smiles at him, "well let's make it happen" she whispers to him.
He kisses her again before moving his lips down towards her jaw, and then further down to her neck.
As he does to, she puts her hand behind his head, putting her fingers through his hair.

"Oh Aonung" she moans as she pulls onto his hair.
"What is it my love?" He asks in between kisses that he is planting on her collarbone.
"I want you" she whispers to him.
He looks up at her and smiled, "patience my love. Patience."

She sees him look at her queue, holding it and bringing it forward.
Tìyawn moves her fingers down slowly from his hair, to his queue, bringing it forward, positioning it opposite hers.

They both look at each other and smile.
They look back at their queues, putting them together to create the bond with one another.
As their tendrils intertwine with one another, it causes Aonung to fluster a little, as he gasps, looking down.
He looks back up at Tìyawn and moves his hand away from their queues, to her waist.

He lifts her up slowly, as he walks to the further end of her marui. He then sits down slowly, with her on top of him, as they were both sat up. He gently placed his lips in the middle of her neck, moving it down slowly toward her chest.

As he does so, he closes his eyes, taking a deep breath in and out. He then smile.
"Your scent is so beautiful" he whispers to her.
She smiles back as she has both her hands behind his head, keeping his head next to her chest.

He moves further down until his lips were placed in between her breasts.
He moves one hand slowly behind her, pulling onto the knot for her breast holder, taking it off slowly. As Tìyawn feels the tightnesss release, she gasps and looks down at him.

He looks up at her as he slowly takes the breast holder off, before looking down at her breasts. He places it on the side, before moving his hand back around her waist.
He moves forward, placing a kiss on top of her right breast as he used his hand to hold the other.

He can feel her body tense up, causing him to enjoy it even more. Aonung then gently places her down on her back, hovering ontop of her.
"What's wrong?" He teases her as he sees her blushing.
"N-nothing" she stutters back.

He smirks before moving his head back down, this time towards her left breast.
He places kisses all around it, before putting it into his mouth. He feels Tìyawn lift herself up slight as he does so.

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