Chapter 44

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Tìyawn was sat with Ronal, as she was continuing learning about being Tsahìk. Ronal was teaching her ways to heal.

"You just have to close your eyes and focus. Shut everything out and focus. Have the intention to do it. And you will feel the energy" Ronal tells her. 

Tìyawn tries her best, with only feeling an ounce of the energy before it is interrupted as Aonung walks in, telling Spider off.

"I've told you so many times not to go there. I told you it's dangerous!"

Tìyawn opens her eyes in shock, wondering what's going on, seeing Aonung walk in and Spider follow him afterwards.

Ronal looks at Aonung, "son. Lower your tone when you speak."

But Aonung ignores her.

Tìyawn helps herself up, and walks to them, seeing Spider with his head down, blinking a couple of times.

Tìyawn looks at Aonung, "what's going on?"

"He went to the hunters training sight and got himself hurt" Aonung says, looking pissed.

"Oh no" Tìyawn walks to Spider.

"Are you hurt? Is everything okay?" Tìyawn holds Spider from his shoulders as she checks for any bruising and scratches.

"I have told you so many time not to go. Not to follow the people there. It's not safe for you, why do you not listen!" Aonung shouts at him again.

This time Tìyawn stands up and looks at him, "that's enough. He's bleeding."

"It's fine" Spider says, looking down.

Tìyawn glares at Aonung, walking past him to Ronal.

"Please help him get patched up" Tìyawn says to Ronal.
She nods and takes Spider.

Aonung walks out and Tìyawn walks after him.

"He hates me" Spider says, looking down.

"He doesn't hate you. He was just worried about you. Sometimes when people are worried they tend to shout" Ronal tries to make him feel better.

"I only went there because someone took my toy and he ran away in that direction. I'm sorry" Spider says in a soft tone.

Ronal kisses his fourhead, "it's okay. I'll make you a new toy how about that?"
Spiders face lights back up, as he looks at Ronal and smiles with a nod.

Tìyawn holds onto Aonung's arm and turns him around, "what was that about?"

"What?" Aonung asks.

"Screaming at him like that. Why? What for?" Tìyawn asks.

"He could have got himself seriously injured Tìyawn" Aonung says.

"The first thing you should have done was bought him here to me to help him get patched up. Then worry about telling him right to wrong afterwards. Not scream at him whilst he's bleeding and hurt" Tìyawn says.

Aonung doesn't know how to look at Tìyawn.

Tìyawn sighs, "I know that you were worried. But this is not the way to go about it Aonung. Spider is a child, did you not see the look on his face?"

"Which makes it more harder for me" Aonung says and finally looks in Tìyawn's direction.

"I saw him inbetween two grown men, who were fighting with spears. One wrong move, and he would have been dead" Aonung says.

"But you were there. And you helped him get out of that situation. You have every right to be upset with him going there but, you need to speak to him properly. Not just scream at him, it won't get you nowhere. He's a child" Tìyawn says to Aonung.

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