Chapter 10

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It's the next day.
Tìyawn wakes up, not even remembering when she fell asleep.
"I should get ready. Aonung is probably waiting for me " Tìyawn says, as she stands up.

She looks down at herself and smiles, as she has a flashback of yesterday, when Aonung was applying the ointment on her.
She closes her eyes and sighs, but then opens her eyes again and her smile quickly fades.

"Why am I thinking so much about him?" She says to herself.
She gets her hand, placing it behind her breast holder, touching the knot that he tied.

She thinks about it for a moment but shakes it off, "I need to get ready. He's waiting. Stop thinking about things Tìyawn."
Tìyawn walks to the same spot where Aonung would train her, and doesn't find him, but the other people there.
Ateyo then walks to her, "hey partner."
"Partner?" Tìyawn asks.

"Oh you haven't heard? Aonung doesn't want to teach you anymore" Ateyo says.
"What?" Tìyawn looks at him confused.
"Turns out he's bored of teaching you. So the chief has left it to me to teach you. And I'll think you'll be great with my help" Ateyo.

"Oh. Is Aonung here? I want to speak to him about this. I" Tìyawn is still confused.
"I don't think that's a good idea. It'll just get you both in trouble" Ateyo says.
"Okay now I'm really confused" Tìyawn says.

"I also didn't mention that he asked his parents to help keep you away. Meaning if you try to speak to him, they'll probably get mad. I mean he is their son so" Ateyo shrugs.

"Oh" Tìyawn looks hurt as she hears Ateyo say this.
"It's okay. We can be friends right?" Ateyo says.
"Yeah I guess" Tìyawn says.
But her heart was 100% in it.

"You" Aonung says as he's stood behind Tìyawn.
She turns around and sees him walking towards Ateyo, pushing him down to the floor, hitting Ateyo' a face with his tail.
"What the fuck dude?" Ateyo says as he's on the floor.

"What the hell did you tell my parents?" Aonung shouts as he gets down on the floor, punching his face.
"Aonung, don't" Tìyawn says, "you're going to get yourself in to trouble."

"I don't care. This is all his fault" Aonung says punching him in the face again.
"I told Tìyawn the truth!" Ateyo shouts.
Aonung stops and looks at Tìyawn.

"What did he tell you?" Aonung asks.
"Nothing. It's fine" Tìyawn says, clearly looking hurt.
"Whatever he's said is a lie" Aonung stands up and faces Tìyawn, "I promise it was all a lie."

"What is going on!" Tonowari shouts, walking to them.
Aonung and Tìyawn are still looking at each other.
Tonowari comes to Aonung, "what is this son."
He doesn't say anything as he's still looking at Tìyawn.

"He hit me in the face!" Ateyo shouts, holding his cheek.
Tonowari grabs onto Aonungs arm.
He looks at Tìyawn, "I'm sorry you are in the middle of this."
He takes Aonung with him, walking past Tìyawn.

She doesn't take his eyes of him as he's walking past her.
"Come on. He just beat me up and you're looking at him like that?" Ateyo says.

"Oh right" she looks back at him, helping him back up.  But she looks back again at Aonung as she sees him walking off with Aonung.
"Are we going to train or what?" Ateyo asks.
"Not today. I need to do something" she says and then looks to him, "we will tomorrow."

She walks off.
Ateyo looks at Aonung and grunts, "just had to ruin everything."
As Tonowari was telling off Aonung, Ateyo walks in.
"Sir" Ateyo speaks.
Tonowari turns around and looks at Ateyo.
"It's okay. I just wanted to come and say I forgive him" Ateyo says.
Aonung laughs in disbelief.

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