Chapter 12

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Tìyawn is sat down near the cove with Aonung as they are laughing and talking.
"Tìyawn!" She hears Mo'at call her name.
She looks to her right, seeing her further down in the water.

"Mo'at?" She calls out.
Mo'at comes closer to her, as she floats from further away.
"Aonung! It's Mo'at. She's here!" Tìyawn says.
"She's not here Tìyawn" Aonung replies.
"What do you mean?" Tìyawn looks at Aonung, "she's right in front of us."

She looks back and Mo'at is no longer there.
"Mo'at? Mo'at!" Tìyawn calls out.
"She doesn't exist anymore Tìyawn. You have to let her go" Aonung replies.
"No. No! She exists she was here!" Tìyawn shouts.

She stands up, looking around.
"Mo'at!" She shouts again.

As he's sleeping, Aonung feels Tìyawn's hand grip his tightly then before, causing him to wake up.
He turns around, seeing Tìyawn's head moving back and fourth, as she's muttering words.

"Tìyawn?" He calls out to her.
"No. Come back" she says in her sleep.
"Tìyawn wake up" he turns to face her properly, and moves his body towards her, touching her shoulder gently.
"It's just a dream Tìyawn wake up" he says softly.

"No no" she shakes her head no again.
Tìyawn's eyes suddenly shot wide open as she gasps.
"Hey" Aonung makes her look at him, "what's wrong?"
She looks at him as she's breathing heavily.
Tìyawn hugs him, not saying anything. Just breathing very heavily.

"Hey it was just a dream" Aonung says, with one arm under her head, and the other around her waist.
Tìyawn has her head rested on the side of his chest.
With the arm he has under her head, Aonung then uses his hand to hold the back of her head.

"You're going to be okay" he says softly as he can feel the panic inside her body.
He used his thumb from the other hand he has around her waist, gently rubbing her back as he shushes her.

Tìyawn begins to breathe slowly again calming herself down.
"You're going to be okay" Aonung says again before he kissed her on her head, and then rest his cheek on top of her head, helping Tìyawn to fall back asleep again.
Tìyawn wakes up in the morning, finding herself leaned against Aonung's chest.
She moves her head back a little, seeing him fast asleep.
Tìyawn smiles at him, "he sleeps so adorably" she whispers.

She then slowly moves away, trying not to wake him up.
"I should get him something to eat. He didn't eat much last night" Tìyawn whispers.

After a couple of hours, Aonung opens his eyes, realising he's sleeping alone. He sits up, seeing Tìyawn sat outside the marui near the water.
He goes to join her, as he sits down next to her, with his feet in the water.

"You're up" she looks at him and smiles, "how was your sleep?"
"It was good. Peaceful" Aonung says.
She nods, "I'm sorry I woke you up in the middle of the night. I've been doing that for a while, I just keep getting some horrible dreams."

"It's okay. How are you feeling now?" Aonung asks.
"I'm fine" she replies, and then smiles and looks at him again, "you were in my dream too."
"Me? What did I do to make you so upset in your dream?" Aonung asks looking shocked.

Tìyawn laughed, "you did nothing. I think we were on a date actually. Sitting near the cove, talking and laughing. I don't remember much of it now."
He nods, "sounds like a date I would plan if I'm honest."

Tìyawn laughs, "you wouldn't take me out on a date."
"I would! A hundred percent. I'm a gentleman."
"Mhmm prove it" Tìyawn says.
"I'll prove it. Today at eclipse" Aonung replies.
She nods and smiles, "very well. But I've gotten something for you to eat."

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