Chapter 20

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Tìyawn walks inside the ship, as she keeps her back against the wall, making sure she does not get caught.
She turns to her left, seeing Jake beside her.
He tells her he's going forward to the opposite side.
She nods as she sees go to the other side.

Tìyawn peaks forward to her right, and sees two avatars, dressed in full camo with four fingers.
"Fuck sake" Tìyawn leans her back against the ship once again.
She goes through her bag finding two more hunting arrows.

She smirks as she looks at it, "oh you are so great Eywa."
She takes a deep breath before getting her bow and arrow back out again.
She places it as she aims for one of the avatars.

As she lets go and the arrow goes forward, it hits one of them through the back.
She hides again, as she gets her hunter arrow out, hearing the other avatar coming after her.
She waits until he's able to see her.

"Argh!" She shouts as she placed the hunter arrow into his chest and runs.
He has his gun out at tries to shoot Tìyawn but she dodged him.
She hits his back against the ship, making the arrow come out the other side of his body, leaving the avatar dead.

She takes the gun out his hand, taking it with her.

Tìyawn continues to walk forward, as she jumps of the deck and continues to walk inside.
She hears something and turns around seeing Jake fighting one of the humans. She sees another human about to attack him from behind and takes a shot, using her bow and arrow.

Jake kills the human and then looks forward at Tìyawn.
She hated him. But she knew he could not get killed otherwise Lo'ak and his siblings would lose their father. She did not want it to come to that.

Jake runs forward to her, "have you cleared the other side?"
"I only found two avatars. I don't know if there's anyone else there" Tìyawn replies.
They both tip toe quietly inside the main room, where the people who controlled the ship would be placed.

It was like a death party in there.
Bodies just laid on the floor.
They both look at each other, shocked at how this even happened.

"I did this" they hear someone speak.
They turn around, seeing a half breed Na'vi stood in front of them.
Tìyawn saw his eye colour and knew straight away.

"Your mother is waiting for you outside" Tìyawn says.
"I don't want to go with her I can't go back. You have to help me please" He says.
"What's your name?" Tìyawn asks.
"They named me Miles. After the man who is supposedly my father" Miles says.

"Why do you not want to go back?" Jake asks.
"You don't understand. They've been torturing me. For so many years" He says and walks towards them, "look. Look at my arms. My legs. My back."
He shows them his bruising and scars.

"She did nothing to help me. They tortured me for so many years and she sat back at watched. All because they were trying to find something in my dna so that they could do something to my sister. They named her Tìyawn. I don't know who she is but please help her. Help me" Miles says.

Tìyawn looks at Jake.
"You're his child?" Jake asks Tìyawn, referring to Quaritch.
"You saying that makes me want to through up. I'm not his daughter. I'm an orphan raised by Tsahìk and it will forever remain that way" Tìyawn replies.
Jake just nods, not trying to fight her back.

"You are Tìyawn? You are my sister?" Miles asks.
She ignores his question.
"How many people are on this ship. They can't all be dead" Tìyawn replied.
"They escaped through the back. They are currently under the sea" Miles says.

"How did you kill all these people?" Jake asks.
Miles holds up a machine gun, "these humans aren't strong. They are only hunters of Tulkuns. The most they do is lead the ship and try to get to locations. They know nothing about fighting."

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