Chapter 7

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"No" Tìyawn whispers as she sees Mo'at standing in front of her.
"Tìyawn listen to me" Mo'at walks to her and holds her from her from her shoulders.
"You told me that your were going to be okay. You promised me I'll get to see you again when it is safe. Why? How?" Tìyawn asks.

"There is a reason I sent you with Jake. And I'm sorry I lied to you, but I already knew my time was coming. Which is why I wanted you to leave. Tìyawn this is good for you. It's a chance for you to start with a new beginning" Mo'at says to her.

"No. I cannot. You cannot" Tìyawn looks at her in shock as her words stammer, "I'm coming home. I'm not staying here I am coming home."
"Tìyawn listen to me" Mo'at says to her, "this is now your home. The sea is your home. You are now Metkayina. This is your home."

Tìyawn continuously shakes her head no as she falls to her knees.
Mo'at kneels down so she is at the same level and Tìyawn.
"You are such a beautiful child" Mo'at tells Tìyawn, cupping onto Tìyawn's cheek, "and I am so proud of you Tìyawn. You gave me so much happiness when I needed it. Looking after you was the best part in my last 18 years of living. But I have lived longer before that, and i have done my time. I am now returning with Eywa, and I need you to let me go."

"But what do I say to the others? How do I tell them about this?" Tìyawn asks, wiping her tears.
"You will figure it out. I know you will" Mo'at replies, "you have a strong heart. You will get through this."

Tìyawn sees Mo'at stand up, walking away from her.
"No don't leave. Not yet" Tìyawn begins to cry again.
Mo'at smiles at her, "I must go now. But you will get to see me again."

"No" Tìyawn says again.
She reaches her hand out to Mo'at as she watches Mo'at get taken back.
And in a flash, Mo'at had gone. Tìyawn was alone again.

"Mo'at?" Tìyawn calls out.
"Mo'at!" She shouts as she sobs.

Her heartbreak causes her to seize as she's underwater, still attached to the tree.
Aonung sees her seizing and swims to her, pulling her queue off and pulling her up to the surface.

The others swim up to.
"What happened? Is she okay?" Lo'ak asks.
"I'm not sure. She just began to shake" Aonung replies.
"I think she might have had a seizure" Neteyam replies.

Aonung begins to do cpr, trying to get Tìyawn to at least open her eyes or breathe.
"Is she breathing yet?" Tsireya asks.
Aonung tries again and feels her breathe, "Mo'at" she whispers.

"I've got to get her back" Aonung says as he has her still laid down on his lap. He keeps one arm around her whilst using his other hand to hold on and ride his ilu.
Aonung comes back on his ilu with Tìyawn in his lap.
"There they are" Ronal says, tapping Tonowari on the shoulder.
Aonung gets off, holding Tìyawn in his arms, "mother. Help!"

Ronal runs forward, looking at Tìyawn.
"Bring her inside" Ronal says.
They run to Ronal and Tonowari's marui.

Lo'ak and his siblings look to their father who looks at them, distressed.
And Neytiri who is stood behind faced down. She turns the other way, holding herself together.
"Come in. We need to talk" Jake says to his kids.
They all nod and walk in to their marui.
"Kids. We've just received some news. It's about your grandmother" Jake says to his kids.
"Is this something to do with what happened to Tìyawn?" Tuk asks.
Jake nods, closing his eyes trying to compose himself.

"She's dead isn't she?" Neteyam says.
"Neteyam!" Kiri shouts at him.
"No Kiri. He's right" Jake says, opening his eyes, "she died, she's been dead for four days."

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