Chapter 15

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"And what about when your parents still disagree? You can't hide this forever" Tìyawn says.
"That is why I say, let the time be right" Aonung replies, "look I have no plan. But my feelings towards you are genuine. And I want to take things further but we have to wait."

Tìyawn sighs, looking up.
"Tìyawn" Aonung calls out to her again.
"No. You're right" Tìyawn says, looking back down at him, "I'm just letting my emotions get the best of me. I'm just scared that I'd lose you."

"Tìyawn I'm your friend. Your lover. The one person who is and will be there for you. You will not lose me and I can promise you that" Aonung says.
She nods.
He pulls her in for a hug.
As Aonung returns to his marui he sees his parents waiting for him.
"Come, sit" Tonowari says.
Aonung goes and sits opposite them.
"Aonung, you are getting to the age where you must pick a mate" Ronal says.

"Mother. Father. I already said I don't want to talk about this. Not now. I'm not ready" Aonung says to them.
"Aonung I know that you miss Tsyal" Ronal says in a calm voice.
"It's not just that. I don't want to yet. When the time is right, I will choose a woman who I want to mate with. But not now" Aonung says.

"It's her isn't it?" Tonowari asks.
Aonung looks at his father confused.
"Tìyawn. You have feelings for her" Tonowari says. 
"No father" his tone becomes softer.
"Tìyawn is a lovely woman. She comes with great power and great strength. But she is not the right woman for you" Ronal says.

"I told you. I don't have feelings for her" Aonung says.
"Okay then prove it to us. You will talk to the girls who's families we have spoken to. Get to know them at least" Ronal says, "we will not force you but I will see it with my own eyes when I know that you are giving these girls a chance."

"Fine" Aonung shrugs his shoulders, "if that's what you want then that is what I'll do."
"We just want you to chose someone who is not similar to Tsyal. Tìyawn is" Ronal says.

Aonung looks at his mother in shock, "is this what this has been all about?"
"Me and your mother just don't want to lose you" Tonowari says.
"Tsyal and Tìyawn are not the same people. Why are you comparing them?" Aonung asks, frustrated with his parents.

"We just don't want you to get hurt. After we lost her" Ronal says.
"Tìyawn will not do that because she is strong. Mo'at had passed. If she really wanted to she would have. But she didn't. She has been bought up to have a strong heart" Aonung says.

Aonung sighs, looking down before looking back up at his parents, "I have agreed to get to know these girls but that is it. I do not want to mate with them nor do I like them. So please. Stop this madness."

He gets up and leaves, going to his side of the marui.
He lays down with his back face towards them.
Tsireya looks at her older brother feeling sorry for him, knowing that this is not what he wants.
It's the next day.
Tìyawn wakes up and gets herself ready before heading out her marui.
She wasn't sure what to do now. All her training days were over. She had become a hunter. So now what? No one really mentioned what there was to it afterwards.

"There's my favourite girl!" Rotxo shouts as he sees Tìyawn.
He was stood next to Kiri.
Tìyawn smirks as she joins them, "you mean Kiri is your favourite."
"You are Kiri's favourite. Meaning your are also my favourite too" Rotxo says.

"I'm your favourite?" Tìyawn asks Kiri.
"Of course. You have always been like a sister to me" Kiri says.
Tìyawn smiles, grateful to hear that.

"You're a hunter now. Which means you must get a tattoo. Like the rest of us" Rotxo says, and shows the tattoo he has on his shoulder.
"A tattoo?" Tìyawn asks.
"It is considered a gift. From the great mother and us, the people of the clan. Mine was given to me on my arm because I am a hunter of the deep sea. Which is one you will probably get too" Rotxo says.

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