Chapter 50

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5 years later

After Tìyawn had passed, Aonung spent a while hiding from everyone in their marui. He chose to never leave.

His mother Ronal, would come in and out. To make sure that Ma'eve was doing well. That her son was doing well too.

She tried to go as much as she could but she knew that her presence was upsetting him, as Aonung wanted to be by himself. But her motherly instinct could not help but want to look after him and her granddaughter.

Rotxo tried his best too, at helping his best friend with the loss. But it was as though he lost Tìyawn and Aonung too.

Aonung became very cold. Distant.

He never even spoke to his own sister anymore, as much as she tried to.

And the hardest thing of it all, was not once did Aonung go to the spirit tree to visit Tìyawn. To talk to her.

Rotxo was the one person who visited Tìyawn the most.

"I don't know what to do. How to make him feel better. I'm not you Tìyawn. You changed him. You became better for him. I don't know what else to do" Rotxo says to her.

"It will take time. He is not accepting that I am dead yet" Tìyawn says.

"How do you know that?" Rotxo asks.

"He is my soulmate. I can feel it. He has not accepted my death. The only thing he has accepted is that I left. So it will take him time" Tìyawn asks.

Rotxo nods, "i suppose you are right."

"Thankyou, for trying to take care of him" Tìyawn says to Rotxo, "i just hope he'll accept my death and come to see me soon."
"Ma'eve, you should not pick on the other kids like that" Ronal tells her off gently, as she takes her away from the other kids.

"They were picking on my friend! I had to!" Ma'eve shouts back.

Ronal sighs and laughs, "you are just like your mother, you know that."

"I don't want to be like her" Ma'eve says.

Ronal looks at her shocked.

"She left father all on his own. He loved her" Ma'eve says. 
Ronal brings Ma'eve in front of her, holding her from her shoulders, "Ma'eve, your mother loves your father."

"Then where is she? Why did she leave?" Ma'eve asks Ronal.

"For a five year old, you sure ask a lot of questions" Ronal says to her.

"Ma'eve!" They hear Aonung call for her.

He walks in, looking at his daughter with a stern face.

"I told you to be back home before eclipse. You are still here. Why?" Aonung asks.

"I'm sorry" Ma'eve looked down at her feet.

"I did not ask for an apology, I asked why!" Aonung shouts at her. 

Ma'eve flinches.

"Aonung. She was with me, what is the big deal?" Ronal asks.

Aonung picks Ma'eve up and then looks to Ronal, "everything can be so perfect and then disappear just like that. You know I do not like her out of my sight yet you still choose to keep her after eclipse."

"Aonung. That is no way to talk to your mother" Tonowari walks forward.

Ronal puts her hand forward to Tonowari, stopping him, "it's okay."

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