Chapter 53- Part 1

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It is the next morning.

"Father! Father wake up!" Ma'eve shouts. 

Aonung opens his eyes, realising he is back in his marui, not even realising he got back.

The last thing he remembers was him crying in Rotxo's arms.

"Ma'eve" he calls out is a hoarse voice as he just woke up.

"Father I found something. I want to show you!" Ma'eve says excitedly.

"It is too early Ma'eve" Aonung groans.

"Please father. Uncle Rotxo said it is the perfect place for us to go to" Ma'eve says.

Aonung sits up, rubbing his eyes.

He then looks at Ma'eve, who has the biggest smile on her face.

"How do you do it?" Aonung asks her.

"Do what?" Ma'eve asks.

"Smile. Be happy all the time" Aonung says to her.

"Because there is so much to live for right now" Ma'eve smiles and then stands up.

She pulls Aonung's hand, trying to use the little energy that she had, to get Aonung to stand up.

"Come on. Come on!" She shouts.

Aonung sighs and stands up, before being dragged out by his daughter.

As they're walking, they see Rotxo.

"Uncle Rotxo! I'm taking my father!" Ma'eve says.

Rotxo smiles, "don't let him leave."

"I won't" Ma'eve shakes her head no.

Rotxo looks up at Aonung.

"We should speak later" Rotxo says to him.
Aonung nods in response.

Rotxo pats his shoulder and walks the other way.
They come to the forest.

The same forest that Aonung was in just last night.

"Why are we here Ma'eve?" Aonung asks.

"It is beautiful, is it not?" Ma'eve asks, as she looks around.

"Yeah, I guess" Aonung shrugs. 

Ma'eve walks forward, running as she puts her hands up in the air, twirling around.

Aonung can't help but smile, seeing how much his daughter loved being there.

But it also reminded him of Tìyawn.

Once again.

"Everything that Eywa has created is beautiful" Ma'eve says.

Aonung stays quiet.

He's heard those exact same words before. In the exact same order. From the one person who was hurting him the most.

"Is that it Ma'eve? Can we go now?" Aonung asks.

She shakes her head no, and then turns around.

"Uncle Rotxo says that you bought mother here all the time. So I want to stay here. And walk around here" Ma'eve says.

"Ma'eve" Aonung looks at her.

"Father" Ma'eve looked back at him.

Aonung sighs, "fine. What do you want to do?"

"I want to sit down. Over here!" Ma'eve picks out a spot near a tree.

The exact same tree with Aonung and Tìyawn's initials on.

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