Chapter 37

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Aonung runs to his mother late at night.
"Mother!" He shouts as he runs into Tonowari's marui.
"Aonung?" Ronal wakes up and sits up.
Tonowari sits up too, "what's all this noise? What's going on?"

"It's Tìyawn. Somethings wrong" Aonung says, as he's heavily breathing and looking worried, "please i need you to come quick."
Ronal gets up and makes herself presentable and picks up her stuff before walking out with Aonung. Tonowari follows behind a while after.

Ronal comes in and sees Tìyawn laying down, looking weak and sweaty.
"Tìyawn?" Ronal sits next to her.
"I'm sorry I just" Tìyawn looks at Ronal, "I don't feel good."

"Where does it hurt? Here?" She presses on Tìyawn's stomach on her left, causing Tìyawn to groan, "argh that really hurts."
"Is she going to be okay?" Spider asks Aonung.
"Yes she will be okay" Aonung try's to comfort him.

Tonowari comes in and sees Tìyawn, "what has happened? Is everything alright?"
"I will need you guys to step out. I have to undress her" Ronal says to them.
Aonung takes Spider with him and walks out with Tonowari.

Ronal lifts Tìyawn up to untie her breast holder before laying her back down.
She checks her pulse and sees that it is still strong which is a good sign, so she lifts Tìyawn back up and put her breast holder back on.

"I think I'm going to be sick" Tìyawn says to Ronal.
Ronal helps her sit up and gives her a bowl in which she throws up in.
"Aonung" she calls out to him.
He comes back in and sees Tìyawn throwing up.

Ronal covers the bowl and then gives it to Aonung, "take it out and throw it away."
"Is she okay?" Aonung asks.
"She will be" Ronal smiles at him.

He takes it and walks out.
Ronal gets another bowl and puts water in it before she gives Tìyawn some to drink.
She makes Tìyawn lie back down and gets out a stick.

Ronal then takes out some leaves and opens them, with some herb inside.
"What is that for?" Tìyawn asks.
"Just trust me" Ronal replies before she takes the stick and puts the spikey part through the herbs.

She then uses it to poke Tìyawn's stomach lightly, through her belly button, and blows on it before letting go.
Ronal then puts her hand over Tìyawn's stomach.

She smiles and looks up at Tìyawn.
"What is it?" Tìyawn asks.
"I can feel the energy. Tìyawn, you're going to be pregnant" Ronal says to her.
Tìyawn's eyes light up as she sits up and looks at Ronal.

"The heartbeat is not there yet but the energy is. Within five days I will check again for a heartbeat. But congratulations Tìyawn you did it. You're going to be a mother" Ronal says.
Tìyawn let's out a soft laugh as she's teary, "I can't believe it."

Ronal moves in to hug her and Tìyawn hugs her back.

Aonung is stood outside waiting when Jake comes forward with Neytiri.
"We heard something was wrong with Tìyawn? What is going on?" Jake asks looking concerned.
"We don't know yet we are just waiting" Aonung replies.

Ronal walks out with a smile on her face.
"What happened? Is she okay?" Aonung asks.
She looks at Aonung proudly, "she's okay. You're both going to be okay."
Aonung looks at his mother confused.
"Son. You're going to be a father" she says excitedly as she hugs him, "you and Tìyawn are going to have a child."

Aonung is stood still in shock not knowing what to say.
Tonowari smiles and looks at Jake, "congratulations,"
Jake smiles and congratulates him back, "I can't believe this is even happening right now."

Ronal moves away from Aonung and goes to go congratulate Neytiri. She then looks back at Aonung and sees him still in shock.
"What's wrong?" Ronal asks.
He doesn't respond.

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