Chapter 40

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3 months later

"Sister come quick!" Spider calls out to her as he's running in front.
"Spidey I love you. But this is as fast as I can move" Tìyawn says to him.

She reaches up to him and looks up into her marui, seeing the top covered with lights.
"Oh my. How did you do all this?" Tìyawn asks walking in.

Aonung looks up at her and smiles, "surprise."
He just finishes up setting up a bowl with water and herbs.
"Aonung. What is all this?" Tìyawn asks.
"Me and Spider thought to decorate the marui for your girls night" Aonung says, walking to her.

"Girls night?" Tìyawn looks at him confused.
"You're pregnant. And you've been overworking yourself to become Tsahìk. So I thought you could have a special night with the girls. Pamper yourself a little" Aonung says, putting his hand over Tìyawn's tiny baby bump.

"Really? But I'll miss you" Tìyawn says, pouting at him.
"But you miss the girls more" Aonung pouts back at her.
She nods and laughs, "this is really sweet."

"Sister look" Spider points to the rose petals he put down on the floor, "I decorated it for you"
"You are ever so sweet" Tìyawn pinches his cheeks.
"We're here!!" Tsireya shouts as she's standing outside Tìyawn's marui with Kiri and Raya.

"Scoot lover boy. Rotxo and the others are waiting for you" Kiri says.
Aonung laughs and looks at Tìyawn, "I'll see you tomorrow."
"I can't wait" Tìyawn says as they go in for a little peck.

Aonung then picks Spider up.
Tìyawn gives him a kiss on the cheek, "be good Spidey."
He nods and him and Aonung walk out.

Kiri walks in squealing, "I haven't seen you for so many days!!"
"Because I've been so busy with my Tsahìk training" Tìyawn says back, "but it's okay because all us girls are here tonight. By ourselves."

"But what if your baby is a boy?" Tuk asks.
"Well he better have his ears covered" Tìyawn says.
They all laugh.
"So, you've been quite busy with your Mrs huh?" Rotxo says to Aonung.
"Of course. She's been training to be Tsahìk and she's pregnant. I've gotta be there for her always" Aonung says.

"Well isn't that just adorable" Lo'ak rolls his eyes.
"What's got you down?" Aonung asks Lo'ak.
"Yeah. You seem a bit off" Rotxo says.
"It's nothing I just. I can't get to have one day alone with Tsireya. Because Raya is always there" Lo'ak says.

"Hey leave Raya alone" Rotxo says.
"I don't have a problem with her. She's a very sweet girl and all but, just one day alone with Tsireya would be great" Lo'ak sighs.

"Heyy bitches!" Neteyam shouts as he's walking towards them, walking a bit wobbly.
"Neteyam? Are you drunk?" Aonung asks.

Neteyam slams down on to the floor, "me? Drunk? Never!"
"Neteyam what the hell" Lo'ak looks at him, "dad will kill you."
"But, he is not here" Neteyam shrugs.

"I feel like I've missed a couple of chapters" Aonung looks at them.
"He's been off since his break up with Yuna" Rotxo says.
"Ah" he nods and looks at Neteyam.

"I don't understand. She wanted something unserious. But now, she's saying she doesn't want me anymore, because she's looking for something serious. If she wanted to be serious with me I would have" Neteyam says.

Aonung puts him arm around Neteyam, "look there's loads of other girls around for you to try and get to know. Maybe you should try being serious with them."

"There's no one. You have Tìyawn, Rotxo has my stupid sister, Lo'ak has Tsireya" Neteyam says.
"You're missing someone buddy" Rotxo says.
"Who?" Neteyam asks.
"Oh my gosh yes! Raya!" Lo'ak shouts and looks to Neteyam, "please. Please get to know her."

"Raya?" Neteyam says and then hiccups.
"I'll get him some water" Aonung stands up and walks away.
"Why not? Raya's a sweet girl. She's always going on about how much she wants a man in her life" Rotxo says.

"Yes and she's always with Tsireya so if you could please just get to know her so me and Tsireya could have some time alone together!" Lo'ak pleads.

"Raya's a pretty girl. She's honest and sweet. But, I don't think I'm her type. I think Metkayina boys are her type" Neteyam says and then looks up at Aonung who's handing him bowl with water inside.

He takes it and then looks at Rotxo, "but maybe! I could get to know her and maybe it'll make Yuna jealous."
"Now let's not do that" Aonung says and sits down, "Raya's been through a lot. You hurt her, the girls will hurt you. I'll hurt you" Aonung says to him.

"Maybe it's all the drunk talk" Lo'ak says looking at his brother confused, "he's not usually the type to hurt anyone."
"Seriously. Raya's looking for someone. Just get to know her. Honestly" Aonung says, emphasising the honestly.

Neteyam nods, "very well."

Lo'ak smiles, "i can finally take Tsireya on a date with just the two of us."
"Boy you are a complete simp" Rotxo says to Lo'ak.
"Yes. Yes I am" Lo'ak admits proudly.

"Oh shit shit. Quickly get Neteyam to lie down and pretend he's asleep" Aonung says, pulling Neteyam towards him.
"Why what's happening?" Lo'ak asks.
"Your father is coming look!" He whispers to Lo'ak.

They see Jake walking towards them.
"Shit shit shit" Lo'ak whispers, moving out the way for Neteyam to lay down.

As Jake gets close to them, Aonung stumbles over, putting Neteyam's lower body over his lap as Neteyam's head was laid down on the floor, where Lo'ak and Rotxo were sat in front.

"Hey Aonung. Have you seen Spider's toy? The one your mother made him?" Jake asks.
"He was staying at my mothers house the other day and took it with him. It's probably there" Aonung replies, smiling awkwardly.

Rotxo and Lo'ak smile at him awkwardly too and nod their heads.
"Um okay" Jake looks at them confused, "also why is Neteyam laying down on your lap?"
"Oh well he was tired so I put him to sleep" Aonung says.

"You put a grown man to sleep?" Jake asks.
Aonung nods, "yes."
He nods, "okay."
Jake turns around to leave, "I can't wait to tell Tìyawn about this" Jake whispers and smiles as he's walking off.
"So, have you and Lo'ak decided when you want to move forward and have kids?" Tìyawn asks Tsireya.

"We haven't planned that ahead yet. We're taking it slow" Tsireya says.
"Yeah very slow" Kiri rolls her eyes.
"Kiri" Tìyawn looks at her, giving her a telling off look.

"It's good you guys are taking it at a slow pace. Otherwise you'd be like me. Gaining weight and not being able to move properly" Tìyawn says.
"You're still beautiful Tìyawn" Tsireya says. 
Tìyawn smiles and looks at Raya, who is getting her hair braided by Kiri.

"What about you Raya? Anything new?" Tìyawn asks.
"Nothing yet. I have spoken to many boys here but none seem to make me laugh or none of them are just interesting enough" Raya says.

"Have you tried Neteyam?" Tìyawn says bluntly.
Kiri looks at Tìyawn and laugh, "Neteyam? Oh please, he's a mess."
"Kiri. Neteyam is a good guy. He's just a mess because a girl broke his heart. Maybe Raya can help fix that" Tìyawn says.

"Neteyam is smart, and attractive. He's also very outgoing and friendly. I don't think I'd be his type" Raya says.

"You could always try?" Tìyawn asks as she's applying a herb onto her face.
"I don't want to embarrass myself" Raya says.
"Raya. You're a beautiful girl. You deserve a man who will be very respectful to you and treat you like a princess. I think Neteyam would be perfect for you" Tìyawn says.

"I agree with Tìyawn. I think you should go for it" Tsireya says.
"I hate my annoying brothers so sorry, but I can't agree. But if you guys work well then I'll be happy for you" Kiri says, finishing the end of her last braid.

Raya smiles and looks down.
Tìyawn looks at her and smiles at her, knowing that Raya definitely feels some type of way towards Neteyam.

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