Chapter 19

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Tìyawn swims off with Payakan, towards the other direction. She takes the tracker and throws it the other way, leaving it there.

"We have to get you somewhere safe and then you need to leave. You have to go far or they are going to kill you" Tìyawn says and then looks at Payakan, "I've lost enough people in my life I cannot lose you too."

She hears the sound of someone screaming and looks up, seeing a net with an Ikran holding onto it.
Tìyawn looks closely and she can see Lo'ak hanging onto the edge of the net.

"No no no" Tìyawn begins to panic.
She looks around to see if Aonung is still around but there is no sign of him.
"What do I do?" She says to herself.

Tìyawn looks back at Payakan who is looking at Tìyawn.
"I'm going to need your help" Tìyawn says, "we need to rescue my friends."
She looks back trying to figure out a plan.
"We can't let them see us so maybe we should stay underwater. I'll have to somehow get on the boat" Tìyawn says.

Payakan says something back. Tìyawn agrees with what he is saying, even though she has no idea what it is.
"You can lift me up onto the ship but that is it. After that I need you to go. Far. Because these people are dangerous and you cannot get hurt" Tìyawn says.

She touches Payakan's face, "let's get them back brother."
They both go underwater, swimming back to where they just swam away from.

The people of the clan and Jake Sully arrive, landing their Skimwings opposite the ship.
Jake uses the spyglass built into his machine gun to get a better view of what is going on.

He sighs looking besides him at Tonowari, "they have your kid, Tsireya and Lo'ak."
Tonowari and Ronal both hiss.
But you can see the fear in Ronal's eyes.

Quaritch then takes the throat microphone off Lo'ak, and puts Lo'ak's earpiece in.
"Jake you don't want to play clever with me because you know how far I'll go. This is the same deal as before. You for your son" Quaritch says.

"I took you under my wing Jake. And you betrayed me. You killed your good folk, good women. And you took away the one person who I needed to find. If you left her in the forest I would have not been here right now. Now do not test my patience" Quaritch says.

Jake looks at Tonowari, "tell them to stay back. It's me that they want. All this has been about me."
"You! You bought this upon us!" Ronal shouts.
"Then it's me who has to go in alone" Jake says.

He rides his Skimwing forward, as he distances himself from the rest of the crowd.
Tìyawn can see this from underwater.
She looks to Payakan, "you have to get me up there" she signs.

But Payakan begins to move around under the sea frantically, making it dirty.
At first Tìyawn is confused, trying to figure out what he's doing, but then she realises, he's trying to cover them so they are not seen.

Payakan then comes towards Tìyawn.
She gets onto his back, getting her hunting arrow out.
Payakan swims up and reaches the surface, swimming right up.

Everyone looks in shock as they see him and Tìyawn on top.
"Payakan" Lo'ak says and almost smiles.
Payakan lands ontop of the ship, already killing half the people as he lays on them.
Tìyawn gets her hunting knife going through one person, but it's long enough to get two.

She gets off Payakan, and moves forward to fight.
"Brother!" She shouts as she kicks someone, making them fall under his fin. Payakan flattens them with fin before throwing them into the water. Tìyawn also throws her hunting arrow into the sea, with two peoples bodies, dead.

"Payakan go! Now!" Tìyawn shouts as she sees the Tulkun hunters coming towards them.
Payakan gets into the water.

Quaritch pulls her, almost about to kill her when a lady comes and stops him.
"Don't!" She shouts.
Quaritch looks at her and back at Tìyawn. He quickly lets her go.

Tìyawn kicks him in the stomach, and takes out an axe.
"Tìyawn wait! Don't!" The woman shouts.
Tìyawn stops and looks up, this woman was a Na'vi from the omaticaya clan. She had three fingers, and looked a lot like Tìyawn.

She looks at Quaritch and moves back, waiting for him to get up.
"I have been looking for you everywhere" Quaritch says as he stands up, holding onto his stomach.
"Who are you? And how did you find me?" Tìyawn says looking at the woman and back at Quaritch.

"I am your father" Quaritch says.
This grabs the attention of Lo'ak and Tsireya as they look up. 
Aonung jumps onto the ship, standing in front of Tìyawn.
They try to hurt him but Tìyawn uses the axe through their head, taking it back out.

She hisses as she keeps her back towards Aonung and her arms out, trying to protect him.
She looks back at Quaritch, "you are not my father. We do not share the same blood!"

"He's right. You're r are our child" the woman speaks.
She looks at the woman properly, and starts to remember her properly as she has flashbacks of her.

"She is so beautiful. Where did you find her?" She asks Mo'at.
"She was left all alone in the forest. I had to take her in" Mo'at replied, "I don't know who would do such a thing to their child."

She then looks at her in shock getting another flashback,

"Hi Tìyawn. I bought you some fruit. Your favourtie, Yovo" she says to nine year old Tìyawn.
"Thankyou!" Tìyawn says excitedly.

She looks at her with realisation, "you've been here. This whole time."
"Tìyawn" her mother speaks.
"You betrayed your own people. You betrayed me" Tìyawn says.

She looks at both of them again, "you guys are not my parents. You will never be my parents!"
Without realising, Jake sneaks up onto Quaritch from behind, pushing him down.
Tìyawn takes her axe, placing right inside his head.

Tìyawn moves Jake out the way, as he turns Quaritch's body over to see his face.
She takes the axe back out of his head, and hits him again in the chest.
"Tìyawn he's already dead" Jake says.

But she waits, hitting his chest a couple of more times until he fully bled out.
She looks up at Jake, "I had to make sure his heart was completely destroyed because a monster like him could easily come back."

She stands up, and takes her bow out.
"There are still people on this ship" She says.
Tonowari jumps onto the ship, "son, are you alright?"
He runs to Tsireya to free her.

Tìyawn looks at Jake, "you coming inside to help me or what?"
He smirks, taking his gun out, "I'm right behind you."
"Tìyawn wait" her mother calls out to her.
"Do not touch me" Tìyawn says to her, moving her mothers hand away from her arm, "take that Ikran and go. Go back! You do not belong here."

"There is something you should know. Your brother he is in that ship" her mother says.
"So I will bring him out to you and you can take him" Tìyawn says.
"But he's your brother" her mother says.

"The only brother I have is Payakan. He's my brother. You will take this boy and you will leave. Far away. Never come back" she says to him.

Everyone is shocked as they see the look in Tìyawn's eyes. She glared at her mother, as her eyes were full of rage. Tìyawn hisses at her before walking into the ship with Jake.

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