Chapter 13

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As their faces are close together, they both cannot stop looking at each other. Both their eyes going up and down from each others lips back to their eyes again.

"You're so beautiful Tìyawn" Aonung whispers.
"I need this" she whispers back to him, moving even closer, "I need" she pauses, looking in his eyes and back at his lips again, "I need you."
Aonung puts his arm around her waist, bringing her close.

They're coming in to kiss for a moment, but Tìyawn moves away, "we can't. I can't."
She moves back.
"Oh" Aonung looked hurt.
"No it's not that I don't want to" she holds onto his arm to make him look at her, "but if anyone is to find out, your parents would never let us be in the same place ever again. And I can't have that. I can't not be around you."

Aonung nods and smiles, "so you want me?"
Tìyawn looks down, trying to hide her face but her cheeks gave everything away, that she was in fact very shy.
He laughs it off so that Tìyawn does not feel awkward.

"Could I have a bite?" He asks, putting his hand out.
"Sure" she gives him to Yovo fruit.
Aonung takes a bite from it, "this is actually really nice. I should come over and eat at yours every day."

"You are more than welcome" Tìyawn replies.
"By the way your lips touched this" he said looking at the fruit, "and so did mine. Meaning you kind of did kiss me."
"Well kind of but" she's speaking but stops as he moves in to kiss her cheek.

He moves back and laughs, "you're cute when you're shy."
Aonung walks off in front of her as she's still stood in shock.
She snaps out of it and sees him walking forward, "wait!"
Tìyawn runs after him.
"Today has been nice" Tìyawn says as they're walking back to her marui.
She looks at Aonung, "I don't think I've smiled like this in a long time. So Thankyou."
"Hey, anything to make you not lose that smile" Aonung says, "it's too beautiful for it to get lost."

She laughs at his corniness.
They continue to walk until they get close, when they see Tsireya and Lo'ak waiting for them outside her marui.
"Lo'ak? Tsireya?" Tìyawn calls for them.
"There you are. I've been waiting for you" Tsireya says and then looks to Aonung, "father has been asking about you. I lied and said you were at Rotxo's again. Go to his quickly, incase father comes to look for you."

He nods and then looks to Tìyawn.
"I'll see you tomorrow" Tìyawn says and smiles at him.
He gives her a quick hug before running off to Rotxo's marui.

Tìyawn smiles as she watches him before looking back at Tsireya, who's smirking, "you two seem awfully close."
Tìyawn just lets out a nervous laugh, not having much to say.

"It's my birthday tomorrow" Tsireya tells her, "and I am inviting you. I have decided this year I will spend the night with all my friends. And I see you as a friend."

"Oh. Thankyou" Tìyawn was taken back.
"I will ask Aonung to come to get you and bring you to my party. It will be after eclipse so, it will be late. But make sure you're there!" Tsireya says.
"I'll be there. Definitely" Tìyawn replies.
Tsireya smiles at her before looking at Lo'ak.

"Shall we go?" Tsireya asks.
He nods, "let's take you home."
Tìyawn watches them as they walk away with Lo'ak's arm around her waist.
She smiles, and then thinks about Aonung, "ugh. I should have just kissed him. No one was there."

But she quickly covers her mouth and looks around, "Ateyo is not to be trusted."
She walks into her marui.
As she's tying her hair up, Tìyawn is remembering her date.
"You're so beautiful Tìyawn" she hears Aonung's voice in her head.
She giggles to herself, as she feels giddy about it.

As she's done tying her hair, she puts her fingers on her lips, as the image of Aonung appears in her head. And then his lips.
"His lips must be so soft" she whispers to herself.
It goes quiet for a moment as she's thinking about it.

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