Chapter 17

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Tìyawn wakes up the next morning with Aonung next to her once again.
She smiles as she sees him fast asleep.
Tìyawn decided to get up and walk out her marui for some fresh air.

As she walks out, she turns to her left. And across her she can see Tonowari talking to someone else who also looked like a chief. With a woman standing next to him.

"What's going on?" Aonung says, as he was woken up by Tìyawn. He sees her standing outside looking.
As he walks to her, she stops him, putting her hand on his chest, "your father is there. He is talking to someone else who is also a chief. And his wife im presuming. Don't get caught."

She then moves out the way, letting Aonung peak out to see.
"That is Olo'eyktan of the Ta'unui Clan. And that is his mate the Tsahìk of their clan" Aonung says.

The Tsahìk is seen to be in distress as she's crying.

"Something is not right" Aonung says and then look back at Tìyawn, "something has happened. I can feel it."
"Go through the back" Tìyawn says, "go home and find out."

"Will you be okay here?" Aonung asks.
"Of course. I will be fine. Go" Tìyawn says.

Aonung gives her a quick kiss on the cheek before going out the back of her marui.
He walks around and walks away from her marui, and then walks to his father.

"Son" Tonowari sees him.
Aonung looks to the other Olo'eyktan and his mate. 
"Oel ngati kameie" he says to then, gesturing his hand from his head, downwards.

He then looks to his father, "what is going on?"
"The sky people. They have come to our villages. And they are looking for Jake Sully's family" Tonowari says.

"There is also a woman with them" the Tsahìk says.
Aonung turns around to look at her.
"She is saying she is looking for her daughter. She was taken under the protection of Mo'at" the Tsahìk tells Aonung.

"Tìyawn" he whispers.

"She told me to not let them find her. To not let the leader of them find her" the Tsahìk says.

Aonung looks to Tìyawn's marui, realising that he will have to tell her.
He looks back at the Tsahìk, "but that is impossible. Tìyawn is like us. She is not a half breed."
"Her mother was not either" the Tsahìk says, "her mother had three fingers. I'd seen them."

Aonung looks to his father, "this makes no sense, Mo'at had taken care of her since she was born. She was left all alone how could mother possibly know who she is or who she was looked after by. How could she even know she was here with the Sully family."

"Unless she hid it from Mo'at. Her mother has probably been here there the whole time. But no one knew it" Tonowari says.
"But why is she with the sky people?" Aonung asks.
He looks back at Tìyawn's marui, not knowing how this is going to go down.

"Go. Talk to her" Tonowari says.
Aonung looks at his father.
"She is most comfortable with you. You must tell her" Tonowari says.
Aonung walks off back to Tìyawn's marui.

"Tìyawn" he walks in and she was not there.
"Where did she go?" He looks around and walks back out.
He sees Rotxo and the others.
"Where's Tìyawn?" Aonung asks.

"She went on her ilu to outside the reef. I think she went to see Payakan again" Tsireya says.
"I have to go find her" Aonung claps and gets onto his ilu to go find her.
Tìyawn swims to Payakan.

"It is good so see you again" Tìyawn says.
She looks at Payakan, "I need to know why you are outcast."
Payakan says something.

"I still don't know what you are saying brother" Tìyawn says.

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