Chapter 18

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It was the next day.
Tìyawn was lying down, as she had not slept the night. Kiri was next to her asleep.
Tìyawn sits up, looking around.

After a long night of crying, her eyes felt tired. She was tired.
She looks down, seeing the necklace Aonung gave her.
Tìyawn stands up before taking off the necklace.

She places it gently away he other necklaces and bracelets that she had.
She turns around, seeing Kiri shuffling around, like she's waking up.

Kiri then opens her eyes and sits up as she sees Tìyawn is not next to her.
She turns around and sees Tìyawn sitting on the other side.

"Hey" Kiri says to her softly.
Tìyawn smiles back.
"How are you feeling?" She asks Tìyawn, facing her properly.
"I'm fine" Tìyawn replies.

Kiri sighs, knowing Tìyawn was not fine.
Kiri stands up and walks to Tìyawn, hugging her, "I'm here for you. You know that."
Tìyawn nods, "Thankyou."

"Come on let's get dressed up" Kiri says, pulling her up.
"I really don't want to go out today" Tìyawn says.
"Come on! Let's go out to the reef. Me, you and Lo'ak. We'll hang out, it'll be like old times. Plus, we can go with you now that you're a hunter and we can meet Payakan. I really want to meet him" Kiri says.

"We can't. After yesterday I don't know when I can meet Payakan again" Tìyawn says.
"Oh come on. When have you ever cared about rules. You're Tìyawn!" Kiri says.
This being a smile to Tìyawn's face.

"Come on. I wanna meet your spirit brother" Kiri says.
Tìyawn sighs, "very well."
Kiri squeals, "I can't wait! I'll go tell Lo'ak now. We'll meet you outside."

Tìyawn nods.
Kiri walks out. 

Tìyawn sighs, wiping her eyes again.
"Oh great mother, give me strength for today. Please" Tìyawn whispers to herself.
Aonung is sat with Rotxo outside.
"Eat something. You haven't eaten at all" Rotxo says.
Aonung shakes his head no, "I'm fine. I'm not hungry."
"Aonung. Do it for Tìyawn at least. She'll want you to eat too" Rotxo says.

"She probably hates me. I would hate me" Aonung says.
"It's not your fault. I'm sure she knows that" Rotxo says.
"I should have fought for her. I should have done something" Aonung says.
"It's hard when you have to pick between your parents and a woman you love. She'll understand" Rotxo says.

Aonung looks at him, "I seen it in her face Rotxo. She does not trust me anymore."

Kiri comes to them.
"Oh hey" Rotxo stands up.
"I'm going with Lo'ak and Tìyawn out to the reef today" she tells him.
"Why?" Rotxo asks.

"She needs a day out. And me, her and Lo'ak would hang out all the time. She needs this" Kiri says.
"Just take care of yourself" Rotxo says.
"I will" Kiri replies.

"How is she?" Aonung asks. 
Kiri looks at him.
"Tìyawn. How is she?" Aonung asks.
"She'll be okay" Kiri replies.

She gives a hug to Rotxo and walks off.

Aonung sighs, resting his head in the palm of his hands.
Tìyawn walks out, seeing Kiri and Lo'ak waiting for her.

"Heyy you look cute" Kiri compliments Tìyawn.
"You look good Tìyawn" Lo'ak says.
"You guys don't have to compliment me because you feel bad about the break up. I'm fine honestly. He did what he had to do" Tìyawn says, referring to Aonung.

Lo'ak and Kiri both look at each other.
"So? Do you guys want to meet Payakan or not?" Tìyawn asks.
"Yes. Let's go!" Lo'ak shouts.
They all call for an ilu, getting on to ride outside the reef.
They reach after a short amount of time.
"There's a tulkun over there" Kiri points forward, "is that Payakan?"
Tìyawn squints her eyes trying to see, "it might be. Let's go."

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