Chapter 5

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Lo'ak moves in first and when Tìyawn realises he's initiating a kiss, she moves in too.
She puts her hands behind his neck as he puts his hand on her waist.

They move away slowly looking at each other.
Lo'ak moves away quickly, letting go of her waist.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" Lo'ak says.
"No it's fine. Honestly it's fine" Tìyawn says.
"You wanted to kiss me?" Lo'ak asks.
"Honestly. Yeah" Tìyawn nods.

"Oh" Lo'ak begins to blush.
They both look at each other awkwardly.
"I should go" Tìyawn says.
"Yeah. My father probably wants to talk to me after everything" Lo'ak replies.

They walk past each other but in the opposite direction of their marui. When they realise they turn back around.
"I'm on that side" Lo'ak points behind Tìyawn.
"Yep" Tìyawn points to Lo'ak's direction before they both walk off.
"Ahh!" Tìyawn screams to herself as she covers her face and kicks her legs, laying down on the floor in her marui.
"What is going on?" She hears Aonung's voice.
Tìyawn sits up, "oh Aonung. Hi."
She moves her hair back, sorting it out.

"Okay you are grinning. What happened? Spill" Aonung sits down.
"I just" she pauses, "ahh!" She screams, making Aonung jump.
"What is happening?" Aonung laughs.
"We kissed! He kissed me!" Tìyawn says.

"Lo'ak?" Aonung asks.
She nods.
"I can't believe it. Ahhh!" She kicks her legs as she's sat up.
"You are so excited" Aonung laughs again.
"Thankyou Thankyou so much" Tìyawn hugs him.
"What for?" Aonung asks, without hugging her back.

"Maybe he was actually jealous. Our plan worked!" Tìyawn says.
"Are you sure that's why he kissed you?" Aonung asks.
She moves away, "what other reason would there be? Maybe he finally realised he doesn't want to see me with anyone else."

"I don't know Tìyawn. Just be careful" Aonung says.
"Eek!" She squeals in excitement and hugs Aonung again.
He smiles and hugs her back but his smile fades as he feels there's something wrong with the situation.
Lo'ak walks into his marui where he sees his father stood waiting for him.
"You got yourself into that mess you know that right? You know she's the daughter of the chief yet you still went and did that" Jake says.

"I did nothing wrong. She held my hand. She initiated it first. And anyways, it's not like we were mating with each other, why is holding hands such a big deal" Lo'ak says. 

"Ma Jake, you are wrong" Neytiri says and stands next to Lo'ak, "they have done nothing wrong."
"Holding hands is intimate. It might not be to some but it is to others. You have to be mindful to that" Jake says.
"Well it doesn't matter. It's not going to happen again. Not after she agreed with her mother that I'm a freak" Lo'ak says.

"Lo'ak" Neytiri looks at him, feeling bad.
"Tìyawn is a good friend. She makes me happy, she sticks up for me. Maybe I should just stick with her" Lo'ak says.
"Now you know I am not going to allow that" Jake says.
"But you allow others to insult me" Lo'ak says to Jake.

"Lo'ak I didn't say anything because I'm trying to protect us. I don't want them to kick us out" Jake says.
"But you're still my father" Lo'ak says, "I try to live up to you. And be like you. But you can't even stick up for me."

Jake looks down, feeling disappointed in himself.
Lo'ak smiles, hiding his pain, "it's fine. Nothing is ever going to change the way people see me."
He turns to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Neteyam asks.
"I don't know. But I just need to be alone" Lo'ak says and walks out.

"Lo'ak" Neteyam calls out.
Neytiri stops Neteyam from going after him.
"He needs some time to himself" she says to him gently, "let him go."
Tìyawn walks out her marui and sees some people gathered around.
"What's going on?" Tìyawn asks herself.
She decides to go walk to the crowd to see what is happening.

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