Chapter 8

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It had been over a week since Tìyawn and the others had found out about Mo'at's death. And as they promised, they stuck together. Including Tìyawn. As much as Jake didn't want it, he didn't feel right to leave her alone. For Mo'at.

It was after dinner, and Tìyawn was heading to her marui.
She stopped for a moment, as she was stood outside Tonowari's family marui.
"The sea is your home" she hears Mo'at's voice in her head.
"We want you to become a hunter here" she then hears Tonowari's voice in her head.

"What are you thinking about?" She hears someone speak.
She turns around seeing Ateyo walking towards her.
"Oh. Ateyo" she smiles at him.
"You shouldn't be out alone when it's dark. Anything can happen" he says looking down at her chest and back up at her face.

"I'm okay" Tìyawn gives him a nervous laugh.
"Why are you standing here anyways?" Ateyo asks.
"No reason" Tìyawn replies.
"I'm pretty sure you are family to the chief. He would not mind you walking in this time of day" Ateyo says.

She nods looking down.
"You look troubled" Ateyo says.
"Do you think I should become a hunter here?" Tìyawn says, looking up at him, "do you think I should be one of you. Become a true member of this clan?"

"Honestly if the chief has seen potential in you, I think you should go for it. He does not see potential in a lot of people so you must have a quality he sees that's great" Ateyo replies.
"I don't know" Tìyawn says.

"What does your heart tell you?" Ateyo asks.
"To do it. And make Mo'at proud" Tìyawn says.
"Well I have no idea who Mo'at is, but there is your answer" Ateyo replies.
Tonowari and his family are sat for dinner.
"How is Tìyawn?" Tonowari asks.
"She's okay. She's getting there slowly" Aonung replies.
"How is her teaching going?" Ronal asks.
"Well she is able to breathe from her stomach and she's already learnt to ride an ilu. And she's pretty good at it. We are just focusing more on her sign language" Aonung informs his mother.

"She is a fast learner. Which is good" Tonowari says.

She walks in, getting the attention of Aonung first as he looks up.
"Tìyawn?" Aonung calls out.
The others then look up.
She gestures her hand from her head downwards as she greets them.
"What brings you here?" Tonowari asks.

"I'm hope I'm not interrupting" Tìyawn says, "I just wanted to talk to you. About becoming a hunter."
Ronal stands up and walks to her, "you are not interrupting. Come, sit."

"It's okay. This will only take a minute. Because I've made a decision" Tìyawn says.
"Are you sure? You still have some time to think about it" Ronal replies.
"I've made a decision and I've decided I want to do it" Tìyawn says, "I know that it is what Mo'at would want me to do. She wanted me to come here and restart my life here. So I want to do it. For her."

"She will be very proud of you" Tonowari smiles.
Tìyawn smiles and nods, "I will go now but I will be ready for training tomorrow."
She turns away to walk out but Aonung stands up, "wait. I'll walk you back."

"No it's okay. You finish eating. I'll be fine" Tìyawn says.
"Son drop her off" Tonowari says.
Tìyawn doesn't say nothing back, as she waits for Aonung to come to her.

They then walk off to her marui.
"I'm glad you've chosen to become a hunter" Aonung says.
"Why? Because you get to spend more time with me?" Tìyawn asks.
"Definitely" Aonung replies.
They both laugh before it goes silent again.

"How are you?" Aonung asks.
"I'm okay" Tìyawn replies.
"No. I mean how are you?" Aonung asks again.
She looks at him confused, and he gives her a tell-me-the-truth look.
She sighs and stops walking, facing him.

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