Chapter 11

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As Tìyawn wakes up the next day, she looks beside her.
She sighs, after thinking about the long day she had yesterday.
She sits up, staring into space, as she thinks about only one person.

"I just wish I knew why I was being lied to" she says to herself.
She looks down at herself, and back up again, "if Mo'at was here she'd tell me what to do. She was always right about everything."

"Tìyawnn" she hears Neteyam calling her from outside.
"Come in" she calls back.
He walks into her marui, "you're awake."
"I just woke up" Tìyawn replies.

He sits down, "how are you feeling?"
"I don't know. Scared?" Tìyawn says.
"Scared?" Neteyam asks.
"I feel like I have a special bond with him" she says, referring to Aonung, "what if it does not work out."

"It will. You will just have to give it some time" Neteyam says.
She nods, "I guess."
He nods back at her.

It's silent for a moment.

"I know I haven't spoken about it with you. But how are you feeling? Since your grandma has passed?" Tìyawn asks.
"Well it didn't feel real but now, I'm starting to accept it. And as much as I want to cry about it, and tell her I miss her, I know it will break her heart. So I try my best not to think about it" Neteyam says.

"She would not want you guys to be upset. Ever. You are all special to her" Tìyawn says.
"And so are you. She loved you as her own" Neteyam says.

"I was just thinking about her. I think about her everyday actually. Sometimes, I blame myself" Tìyawn says.
"You cannot blame yourself. She passed because of her health" Neteyam says.

"I know. But I should have seen it when she told me she wanted me to leave too. I should have knew something was wrong. She should have had her family with her in her last moments" Tìyawn says.

"She is with her family now. She is with grandpa" Neteyam says, "she's happy."
Tìyawn nods, "you are right. She is."
"Even if she is not here with you now, you have us. And we have you. We have each other" Neteyam says.

She smiles and he smiles back.
"You should get ready. We've got a plan to get your night and shining armour back" Neteyam says.
She laughs, tapping his arm lightly, "you and your corny jokes are never ending."

"Come on" he stands up and helps Tìyawn up too.
Tìyawn is walking with Neteyam. The other boys are looking at her too, as they see she changed her hair back to straight with two braids coming out from each side.

"I feel like this hairstyle brings out the bad bitch in me, you know?" Tìyawn says and looks at Neteyam for his approval.
"Well your attitude for todays training lesson will only approve that statement" Neteyam replies.

Tìyawn nods and looks straight ahead again.
"Oh god" Tìyawn sees Ateyo, "I can't believe I have to pretend to be okay with him. He's a dick face."
"Heyy, that's not very nice" Neteyam says in a calming voice.

"He's not very nice" Tìyawn replies.
Neteyam nods, "well that's fair I suppose."
She takes a deep breath, "wish me luck."
She holds her pinky out to Neteyam.
He holds onto it, "good luck bestie. I'll be rooting for you."

She lets go and walks forward in Ateyo'a direction.
Tìyawn puts on a fake smile and walks to him, "Ateyo" she calls out.
He turns around and sees her, "look who's become a forest girl?"
"What because my hair's different? Grow up" Tìyawn rolls her eyes.

"I. Okay then" Ateyo replies.
"Well shall we begin with our training?" Tìyawn asks.
"Yes yes. Let's go" Ateyo says goodbye to his friends before walking off with Tìyawn.

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