Chapter 28

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Tìyawn and Aonung are returning back from the forest, whilst Aonung is carrying Spider on his back, as he had fallen asleep.

"Is that how you carry me back when I fall asleep?" Tìyawn asks him.
He nods, "I let you rest your head on the back of my shoulder. You make it feel warm."
Tìyawn laughs, "I am always warm."

Aonung smiles at her, and then sees her neck, "you still have the necklace."
"I put it away after we broke up, and I left it for a while but I've decided to put it back on now. Because we are together" Tìyawn says.

"Well I did break up with you so I deserved it" Aonung says, "I'm surprised I didn't even notice."
"It's okay. Because you notice all the other small details about me. Which I love" Tìyawn says.
Aonung smiles.

They continue to walk.
Tìyawn can feel Aonungs hand slowly creep up as he holds onto hers.
"You love holding my hand" Tìyawn says.
"Well of course. You are my mate, I want you to feel protected" Aonung says.

She smiles at him, "that is very sweet of you."
"I didn't like what your friend Käi said. About them expecting you to mate with Lo'ak" Aonung says to her.
"Oh. It's just that were close that's why" Tìyawn says, "don't over think it."

"It's not about what he said. It's how he said it. See I'm a boy, so I understand" Aonung says.
"How did he say it then?" Tìyawn asks.
"He said it as if you basically became a second option. And I don't like how he's disrespecting you like that" Aonung says.

Tìyawn squeezes his hand, "it's alright. I have you by my side so that's all that matters."
"I know but I still don't like the way he spoke to you" Aonung says.
"Yeah well he's Käi. Always being rude that's just how he is" Tìyawn let's out a nervous laugh.

She then looks at Aonung, "if you want to handle him your own way then by all means."
"I know that you don't want me getting in to trouble so for you I won't. Plus, he's going tomorrow and he will never come back" Aonung says.

He looks back at Tìyawn, "but don't let anyone make you feel that way. Ever."
She nods, "I won't. I promise you."
"Good. I like to see my woman keep her head up, loud and proud" Aonung says proudly.

She laughs, "stop it."
"I know I'm corny. But I'll stop" Aonung says.
"No please continue. Put on a show for me. I love it when you're corny it makes me laugh" Tìyawn says.

"Well if you insist" Aonung says.
"But not now. We need to let Spider rest" Tìyawn says as she sees her marui not that far away from her.

They get into the marui and Tìyawn gets a blanket as Aonung puts him down to sleep.
"Do you think he'll be okay tonight?" Tìyawn asks Aonung as she's laying the blanket over him.
"I did give him the herb. So let's hope he will" Aonung replies.

Tìyawn and Aonung go to lay down next to each other.
They lie down facing each other, as Tìyawn plays with his hair.
"Do you find my hair that fascinating?" Aonung asks.
Tìyawn nods, "I love playing with it. Putting my fingers through it. Pulling on it."

"Woah woah" Aonung looks at her in shock, "Spider is right there. You can't be tempting me."
"He's asleep" Tìyawn says.
"Tìyawn" he calls out.
"Just a little make out session?" Tìyawn asks.

He laughs, "you are so cheeky you know that?"
She nods and pulls him in for a kiss.
Aonungs hand slowly slides around her waist, pulling her closer as they continue to kiss.

After a while, they move away.
Aonung keeps his face close to Tìyawn as they both look into each others eyes.
"I pray to Eywa that our kids turn out to be as beautiful as you" Aonung whispers.

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