Chapter 26

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Aonung wakes up the next day, seeing both Spider and Tìyawn fast asleep.
He smiles as he looks at both of them.

He sits up and makes his way out, leaving the curtains closed so that the light does not shine on them and wake them up.

As he's walking out, he sees Jake walking towards him.
"Hello" Aonung greets him.
Aonung didn't really like or hate Jake. Knowing the way he was to Tìyawn, he did not like that. But he had no hard feelings towards him.

"I just wanted to ask how Spider was. How he slept last night. Was everything okay?" Jake asks.
Aonung nods, "everything is fine. Him and Tìyawn are still asleep right now."
He nods, "I'm just worried about him."
Aonung nods, "we all are."

"How did you get Tìyawn to bond with him?" Jake asks.
"Why? You want to try and get your mate to bond with him too?" Aonung asks.
Jake nods.

"I just told her to try. Because they are both similar and have been through very similar places in life. They both had the same parents, meaning equal amount of trauma. And to top that, you did not accept Tìyawn. And your mate does not accept Spider. They are very similar which is how I made Tìyawn realise and bond with him. As for your mate, I'm not sure how to help you with that" Aonung says.

Jake nods, "well thanks anyways."
Aonung nods, as he's about to walk away but Jake stops him.
Aonung looks back at him.
"I want to make things right. With Tìyawn. I know that I was not the best to her when I needed to be but, I've realised my mistake and I want to change things" Jake says to him.

Aonung makes him let go of his arm, "if you genuinely want to then it should come from your heart. I can't help you with that."
He walks off, going to find his mother.
Aonung walks into his parent marui and finds Ronal with Tsireya.

"Mother" he calls out to her.
"Hello son. What brings you here?" Ronal asks.
He looks at Tsireya.
She nods and stands up, "I'll leave you two to talk."
She walks out.

"Is everything alright?" Ronal asks.
"It's about Spider" Aonung says.
"What has happened?" Ronal asks, looking at him concerned.
"He's been having nightmares. Bad dreams, about his mother trying to kill him" Aonung says.

Ronal looks at Aonung in shock, "did she really do that?"
He nods, "there's a lot more she's done but, this one nightmare he said he keeps having. He keeps seeing her in his dream. What do I do to get it to stop?"
"I'm not sure" Ronal says as she thinks to herself, trying to figure out how to help.

"He has been through so much and he's only a child. He deserves to rest peacefully when he sleeps" Aonung says.
Ronal nods, "you are right. I might have something."
She stands up and goes through her things and she finds something.
Ronal then comes back down, sitting opposite Aonung again.

She hands him over some oral herbs.
"These help with getting rid of bad thoughts. Maybe before he sleeps you could tell him to take these. It might help him sleep better" Ronal says.
Aonung nods and smiles, "Thankyou mother. So much."

Ronal places her hand on Aonung's hand , "you have grown to be a caring and loving boy. You must do the same for Spider too."
Aonung looks at his mother confused.
"You and Tìyawn are who he has. You are both older than him, and he most likely views you as his parents because he didn't have that real parental love. So you must help him become a loving boy. Having a lot of trauma can change you as you grow older, so please, help him" Ronal says.

Aonung nods, "we will" he says, referring to him and Tìyawn both.
"Give Tìyawn my greetings too. It was good to see her yesterday" Ronal says.
Aonung nods, "I will mother. I'll see you soon."
He takes the herbs and walks out.
Tìyawn wakes up and sees Spider next to her asleep.
She wakes up without disturbing him.
"He should rest a little longer. He wasn't able to sleep properly last night" Tìyawn says to herself as she sits up.

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