Chapter 33

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Tìyawn wakes up the next day, more earlier than usual.
She sees Aonung and Spider sleeping next to her.
She looks at them and smiles before getting up and walking out her marui, leaving the curtains opened so that Aonung and Spider do not wake up.

She walks out, walking towards the ocean.
Tìyawn walks across, looking towards the ocean, hearing the sounds of just the waves, and the Ilu's.

"What are you doing up so early?" She hears Ronal ask her.
She looks up and sees Ronal standing in front of her.
"I couldn't sleep" Tìyawn says, giving a half hearted smile.

Ronal sits down, "come sit next to me."
Tìyawn sits down next to her as they both face towards the ocean.
Ronal sighs, "it's peaceful, is it not?"
Tìyawn nods, "it is. Very peaceful. I didn't realise until now, just how beautiful the sound of the sea is."

Ronal let's out a soft laugh, "well, that's what they always say."
She looks at Tìyawn, "I'm sorry. About Payakan."
Tìyawn nods, "he was too good to be living in a place like this."

"I know what it's like. To lose someone so special to you. To lose someone who was a brother or a sister, but someone who was also your best friend. When I lost my spirit sister, it was hard. And it's only been a month so to see you lose your spirit brother, I feel your pain Tìyawn" Ronal says to her.

Tìyawn looks at her, "how do you do it? How do you stay so strong after losing someone so important to you?"
"Because I look around and see the people who I still have. My mate. Tonowari is the best man for me. He understands my pain. My love. Everything. We understand each other to the point where I could just speak to him with my eyes and he understands me" Ronal says.

Tìyawn smiles, "that is very sweet."
"Then there's my children. Tsireya is strong willed but she is also sweet and caring. Very possessive of what she wants too. She keeps me young, she keeps me happy. And then there's Aonung" Ronal smiles and looks to Tìyawn.

"Aonung, he can cause trouble most times. But he reminds me of how I am a mom. He's the reason I became a mother. And I will always love him. He will always hold a special place in my heart" Ronal then holds Tìyawn's hand, "you are both so lucky to have each other. To hold on to each other."

Tìyawn nods, "I struggle to let out my emotions. I always have. But your son, he gives me comfort. He gives me love and he gives me happiness. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me and I always tell myself how I'm grateful to Eywa that she bought Aonung into my life."

Ronal smiles at her, "I'm happy to hear that."
Her smile fades as he sighs, "he has been through a lot. He lost his friend Tsyal. He also lost his first spirit brother not long ago."
Tìyawn looks at Ronal shocked, "he did not tell me this."

"He does not tell anyone about it. He seems like a strong boy but deep down inside, he's scared. So I am happy he has you. Because I've seen the way you both are with each other. You hold onto each other, find solutions for your problems together. And that's what makes a perfect relationship" Ronal says.

Tìyawn smiles, "I know that it was not easy at first, but I'm glad that we've been able to mate and everyone is happy with it, because I cannot live without him. He's bought so much happiness."

They both laugh.
"When Aonung was a child, he'd always tell me how he wanted to have a princess in his life. I think he found his princess" Ronal says to Tìyawn.

"What are my two favourite women doing sat here?" Aonung walks to them, bending down and putting one arm around Ronal's shoulder and the other around Tìyawn.
"You're awake? Where's Spider?" Tìyawn asks.
"Jake took him. He's trying to get Neytiri to like Spider" Aonung says.

They laugh and Aonung comes and sits next to Tìyawn, "what are you guys doing here?"
"Nothing" Ronal and Tìyawn both say at the same time awkwardly.
Aonung looks at both of them, "wait. Where you both talking about me?"

"Tìyawn I am going to leave you with your mate, because I am sure he is so eager to be with you alone" Ronal gets up and excuses herself.

"What were you guys talking about?" Aonung asks.
"Just how cute you are" Tìyawn says.
"Tìyawn tell me the truth" Aonung says, shuffling more closer to her and putting his arm around her waist.

Tìyawn rests her head on his shoulder, "we were just talking about how much we relate to each other that's all."
"You and my mother?" Aonung asks.
"We both have muscly handsome mates and we both lost a spirit brother and sister" Tìyawn says.

"Wait? You think my father is muscly and handsome?" Aonung moves back.
Tìyawn puts her head up and looks at him, "I mean, I'm saying it as a compliment to you. Because I know where your good looks come from."

"Tìyawn!" He playfully hits her arm and laughs.
"I'm being honest!" Tìyawn says and laughs back.
Aonung then looks at her, and smiles.
She looks at him and stops laughing, "what's wrong?"

"I'm just glad to see you laughing" Aonung says.
"Well, Payakan would not want me to be sad right? I just wish he got to meet us now after being mated. He would have been happy" Tìyawn says.
Aonung holds onto her hand, "I'm here for you."
Tìyawn looks at him and smiles, "I know."

"I've been thinking about something" Tìyawn says.
"Tell me" Aonung replies.
"I want to try to have a baby" Tìyawn says, "I want a child. With you."
Aonung gets a bit taken back, "I mean that's impossible, we have Spider right now staying with us and it's just not right to have a child right now."

"Oh I see" Tìyawn nods and stands up.
"Tìyawn" Aonung stands up after her.
"You're right. I should start thinking before just saying things really" Tìyawn laughs awkwardly.
"It's not that I don't want children with you" Aonung says.

"No I know. I shouldn't have just bought it up on you like that I'm sorry" Tìyawn says to him.
"Hey love birds what's happening?" Rotxo comes forward and puts his arm around Tìyawn.
She laughs and looks away from Aonung, trying to avoid the awkwardness.

"I was thinking, the heads are getting a bit rotten. Do you guys want to go hunting?" Rotxo asks.
"I'm down" Tìyawn says.
"You?" Rotxo asks Aonung.
Aonung nods, "yeah sure."

Aonung looks at Tìyawn.
Tìyawn looks back at him and smiles at him.

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