Chapter 31

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"Where is she?!" Lyle shouts at Spider.
"I'm not telling you!" Spider shouts back.
Lyle had tied him up, both arms and legs, to prevent him from running away.

"You know kid, you ain't going anywhere so you might aswell just tell me" Lyle says to him.
"I'd rather die!" Spider shouts back.
Lyle sighs and stands up, "how your father put up with you, I do not know."

He lets Spider off easily, walking the other way to another man on his team.
"He's not going to give his sister away easily. We've gotta do something" one of them says.
"Now as much as that would be ideal, I made a promise to Quaritch to never touch his children. And I stand by that. I'm not trying to break a dead man's promise" Lyle replies.

"Tìyawn will kill you when she finds out! She'll hurt you" Spider says to Lyle.
"Save it son" Lyle replies and they both walk out, leaving Spider in a dark room all on his own.
"Sister told me that the great mother protects all" he whispers and then looks up, "I need your help great mother. Please."

Aonung and Rotxo have managed to walk in to the ship after scanning the woman's ID. They both walk in wearing sunglasses.

"Sir, your shirt is ripped" one of them says to Aonung.
"Oh shut up bitch" Rotxo replies.
Aonung laughs, "you're scaring the poor woman."
He then looks at her, "where's the little boy?"
"Lyle took him away, you guys were with him?" She questions them.

"Oh. Hah, memory loss" Aonung says awkwardly.
"You ready to do this?" Rotxo asks.
"Do what? Who are you?" She asks him.
"Oh I'm ready. Let's do this" Aonung says.

Aonung bends down, and Rotxo jumps over him, fly kicking her in the face.
"Sir what is going on!" Another man stands up.
Aonung holds him from his throat and walks towards him, pushing him down and ripping his head off his body.

"Nice one!" Rotxo shouts.
"Here catch!" Aonung shouts and throws the head to him.
"Boy what the fuck?" Rotxo laughs, "you're sick."
"What? His head is round like a ball" Aonung shrugs.

"Watch out!" Rotxo shouts as someone is running towards Aonung.
He picks the human up and slams his body onto the floor.
The woman who Rotxo kicked then stands back up and tries punching him.
Rotxo looks at her and smiles, "darling. Look at the size of me and the size of you. That would have never worked."

She tries to run away but he grabs on to her.
But instead of hurting her or trying to kill her, he ties her up.
"Bro what are you doing?" Aonung asks.
"Just trust me. It's going to be fun" Rotxo replies.

They look around, and see one woman who's hiding in the corner.
As they are about to approach her, the door opens.
They turn around and the woman stands up, thinking help was coming to her. But she was only so wrong.

Tìyawn and Jake walk in.
She looks around seeing everyone's body's on the floor and hisses before looking up at Aonung and Rotxo.
Aonung walks to her and holds onto both her arms, "you alright?"

She looks up at him, "what's with the collection of all the heads outside?"
"Just for a bit of fun" Aonung shrugs. 
"The blonde one thought she'd be getting a treat from mr big shot over there" Rotxo points to Aonung.

Aonung turns around to look at him, "bro why would you say that?"
"I mean it's partially his fault being flirty, telling her to get on her knees and shit" Rotxo blurts out.
"Bro!" Aonung shouts at him.
Jake is stood near Tìyawn awkwardly.

Aonung turns around to look at Tìyawn.
"Look, I only did it so I could figure out how to find where Spider is but she didn't know and it was just all a plan and" Aonung is explaining himself but Tìyawn puts her hand in front to stop him from talking.

"I'll deal with you later" she says to him.
He gulps and looks at Jake.
Jake shrugs, "I mean did she get on her knees?"
"Enough about the knees!" Tìyawn shouts.
She walks forward, "there was a woman hiding over there. Where has she gone?"

They look around realising they lost her.
"You idiots" Tìyawn runs forward to go find her.
Jake looks at Aonung, "oh she's going to kill you later."
"And I'm going to kill him later" Aonung says looking at Rotxo.
The woman is heavily breathing as she's running away.
She looks back, seeing no one is coming back to her and looks forward again.
"I need to inform Lyle" she whispers.

Tìyawn jumps in front of her, and covers her mouth before she can scream.
"Easy" she says to the woman.
The woman looks up realising Tìyawn came from the upper deck.

She looks back at Tìyawn, as Tìyawn moves her hand away from her mouth.
"Where is Spider?" Tìyawn asks her.
"I don't know" the woman says innocently.
Tìyawn holds her from her neck, "where is my brother and what have you done to him."

"Lyle wouldn't touch him I swear. He promised your father he wouldn't hurt him" the woman says.
"Are you deaf?" Tìyawn asks her.
The other three catch up, standing behind the woman.
"I asked you where my brother is" Tìyawn glares at her.

The woman panics, "further right there's a room where he has him locked up but you can go from the lower deck if you don't want to get caught."
Tìyawn let's go of her and drops her onto the floor.

"What do we do with her?" Rotxo asks.
"Whatever you want" Tìyawn says, "I'm going to find my brother."
"I'm coming with" Aonung says.
"Did you think I'd let you stay here and touch another woman again?" Tìyawn asks him.

"Tìyawn" he looks at her with pleading eyes.
"Just take the easy exit, I'm taking the lower deck" Tìyawn says.
She walks up to him and holds Aonung's face, "whatever you do, do not get caught please. I don't want to lose anyone else today."

Aonung nods, "I won't."
She takes her bow and arrow and jumps down to the lower deck as Aonung walks forward, towards the door.

Rotxo looks at Jake, "you can do the honours?"
"Happily" Jake replies getting his axe out.
The woman was to scared to even scream that no word escaped her mouth as she had it opened and watched Jake pretty much axe her body in half.

"Damn that is brutal!" Rotxo whispers.
Jake shrugs, "it's nothing."
Aonung creeps up and tries to open the door but it was locked.
"Hey who are you?" Someone calls out behind Aonung.
"Oh for fuck sake" Aonung whispers.

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