Chapter 27

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Tìyawn is sat back as she watches Spider learn sign language with Aonung and some of the other students that Aonung has.

As she's watching Aonung, she smiles, "he will make a great father one day."

She sees someone walking towards her and turns to face them. She sees Jake.

"Tìyawn" Jake calls out as he sits down in front of her.
"Spiders fine" Tìyawn replies.
"No I know. I spoke to Aonung this morning" Jake says.
She nods, "okay. So why are you here?"

"I wanted to talk to you" Jake says.
She nods and listens.
"I know it's not ideal and I know how much you hate me. Which of course I do not blame you for. But I'm here to apologise to you. About the way I've treated you" Jake says.

"Oh really? What made you do that?" Tìyawn asks.
"I'm starting to realise that you are not what I thought you were and I made a mistake on judging you. And I want to have a fresh start with the two of us. I feel that it would be better for us to have a clean slate" Jake says.

Tìyawn nods, "I agree. I guess a new beginning is the way to go."
Jake smiles at her.
She smiles back at him.

He then looks at Aonung, "honestly I would have never have thought he'd be your mate."
"Really? Why?" Tìyawn asks.
"You and Lo'ak were both inseparable. Joint to the hip. We all thought it would be Lo'ak who you'd mate with" Jake says.

"Well, Lo'ak did not see me that way. And if I'm honest, I'm glad we came here because, I would have continued to have feelings for someone who did not like me back if we did not" Tìyawn replies as she's looking at Jake.

She looks back to Aonung, "ever since we've come here, he's been amazing. He's done so much for me and showed me so much love. So I'm happy with my choice. I couldn't have asked for anyone better."
She smiles as she continues to watch Aonung.
Aonung and Spider come into the marui, where Tìyawn had just finished tying up her hair.
"Sister look!" Spider calls out to Tìyawn.
She turns around to look at him.
"I can't wait to hang out with you today" Spider says as he sign with it.

Tìyawn looks up at Aonung.
"He's a fast learner thanks to me" Aonung flexes.
"I've learnt so much on sign language, I'm really enjoying this" Spider says.
"Well I am glad you are enjoying yourself" Tìyawn says.

"So when are we leaving for tonight's feast" Aonung sits down next to Tìyawn.
"After eclipse remember?" Tìyawn reminds him.
He nods, "oh right. I just forgot because every time I see you, I just get lost in your eyes."
"Aonung. That was corny" Tìyawn says and laughs.

"I know which is why I said it because you laugh and that makes me happy" Aonung says.
They both then turn around to look at Spider, who is busy playing with his toy that Ronal had made for him.

"Jake apologised to me today" Tìyawn says, looking back at Aonung.
Aonung looks back at her, "he did? How did it go?"
"I chose to just forgive him and move on. I don't have the heart to hold a grudge" Tìyawn says.

"Well whatever you chose to do, I support you" Aonung says to her.

"Tìyawn?" They hear someone call her from outside the marui.
She looks at Aonung confused, not recognising who's voice it was.

They both stand up and walk out, Aonung walks out first to stand in front of Tìyawn, so that she is not hurt.

They see a boy. An Omatikaya boy.
Aonung looks at him confused, "who are you?"
Tìyawn looks at him closely and realises, "Käi? Is that you?"
She steps in front of Aonung.

He nods, "surprise!"
"What? How are you even here?" Tìyawn laughs and hugs him.
"Truth being said, I was asked to come here. By Olo'eyktan" Käi says, referring to Olo'eyktan of the forest.

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