Chapter 25

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Tìyawn was getting ready in her marui when Aonung walks in.

"You're getting ready without pulling the curtains forward?" Aonung asks.
She turns around and sees him, "I don't need to. I'm dressed, just doing my hair" Tìyawn replied.

"Well a man can easily come in" he walks towards her slowly, "and do this to you!"
He grabs onto her waist lifting her up from behind.
"Hey stop!" She shouts and they both laugh.

"You know that my father has invited us all for dinner right?" He asks.
She nods, "that's why I'm getting ready."
"Spider will be there too" Aonung says.
She nods and smiles, "that is good for him. He needs to have more time to surround himself with good people."

"How was the training today. Did it go well?" Aonung asks.
She looks at him and nods, "it went well. And we spoke. I should thank you  for trying to make me see his trauma because, after speaking to him I've realised I have not been fair to him. He didn't choose to be the son of those two demons and you are right, for someone so small he has been through so much."

Aonung smiles and nods, "well I'm glad you have seen it."
"I've decided I should train him. It will help me to bond with him for more than just one day" Tìyawn says.
"If that is what you want I am happy with it. It gives me more time to train my other students" Aonung says.

She nods and turns the other way.
But Aonung can tell by her body language, something was bothering her.
So he turned her back around to face him.
"What is bothering you my love? And do not say nothing because I know it is not nothing" Aonung says.

Tìyawn sighs, "she tried to kill him. His mother. Well our mother actually, since she unfortunately gave birth to me. She tried to kill him. And he's only ten right now so imagine what age he was when she tried to kill him?"

Aonung sighs, "I know. It's not nice. But hopefully living here with us, it will get better for him. He's with us. With you. You are his sister."
"I just feel so bad" Tìyawn looks down.
"Hey it will be okay" Aonung makes her look up at him, "you're his sister. He adores you. You were not easy on him to begin with but he cares about you. You can work it out."

She nods, "you are right."
He smiles at her, "I'm right by your side. Always. We will help Spider get through this together."
Tìyawn hugs Aonung.
"What did I do to deserve you?" She says as she's hugging him.

He puts his arms around her waist, hugging him back, "you deserve everything good."
Aonung and Tìyawn come into Tonowari's marui.
The Sully's and Spider were already there.
And so was Rotxo, as Kiri had invited him to come with her.

"Aonung. Tìyawn. Come in" Ronal welcomes them in.
They walk in and sit down with the others.
The parents were on one side, and the kids were sat with each other on the other side.

"You guys look so good together" Kiri says, looking at Aonung and Tìyawn.
They both laugh.

Tìyawn sees Spider sitting a bit further away, looking alone.
"Hey Spider, come sit here with us" Tìyawn says.
His eyes light up and he smiles before joining them, sitting next to Tìyawn and Aonung.

"Hey I heard you did a good job on your training today. High five bud" Aonung puts his hand up for Spider to high five him.
Spider high fives him and looks at Tìyawn, "you think I did good?"

"You did great. You followed the steps perfectly, you did really well" Tìyawn says.
He smiles, feeling happy to have his sisters approval.

"Are you two together? As in, romantically?" Spider asks Aonung and Tìyawn.
Tìyawn nods, "if you're ever with him alone and another girl tries to flirt with him, you better tell me."
Spider nods and laughs, "I will definitely tell you."

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