Chapter 1

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His eyes slowly opened, the only thing he could see around him was snow and some sort of tracks. His head hurt and he was confused and dizzy. Where am I, what happened.

Kenny is finally able to stand up, his arm killing him. He looks over to it to now realize it's dislocated. His clothes are torn and he has cuts and bruises all over. Something wet falls onto his lip, he reaches up to the source and find a gash on his forehead. After sometime of checking himself out, he starts looking around and actually takes the scene in front of him in.

The tracks in the ground are huge and they lead to a large SUV on its side with the door on the ground a distance away. The vehicle is all smashed up. Kenny turns around and looks up to see the road. Somehow he had drove off the side of the short cliff.

I don't remember driving. Where was I going? Why was I on Big Foot road coming down from our local mountain. What was I... All of a sudden Kenny remembered what was going on. He limped as fast as he could to the wreckage of the vehicle. On the way he noticed the bushes to see blonde hair. He made his way over to the person.

Laying in the bush with torn clothes and lots of scratches and scrapes, was Tweek. A part of his hair was no longer blonde but soaked red.

Kenny: "TWEEK! TWEEK! Please answer me, please wake up, don't be dead!"

Kenny reached out with his left arm to feel for his pulse. It was there and strong. Kenny let out a sigh of relief, thankful his anxious friend was still alive. Kenny began to look over the smaller blonde to look for more serious wounds besides the one on his head. As he did so, Tweek began to gain consciousness. His eyes slowly opened, the world around him was blurry, as it came more into focus he could now see a beat up blonde boy hovering above him and he was trying to say something to him.

Kenny: *ringing and dulled "Tweek can you hear me?! Tweek! *ringing cuts out and his voice becomes clear  TWEEK! Are you okay!? Can you move? Can you stand?"

Tweek: *crying "Kenny?! What happened? Where are we?- ow *teeth sucking in pain"

Tweek reaches up to his head and touches the blood stained spot. Bringing his fingers back down to see them coated in blood. His eyes grow wide and tears rolled down his face harder as he starts to panic. Kenny grabs his hand.

Kenny: "Tweek, it's okay. I know it's a lot but I need you to keep it together okay because we are not the only ones who need help."

As Kenny says this, Tweek's eyes once again grow large remembering what transpired.

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