Chapter 30

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Later that night...

Kenny had been standing in front of Kyle's window for 4 hours. I don't know how Stan did this for several days. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a blonde mess making their way toward him. He turned more to look at the person and saw Tweek. Tweek gave him a small smile and stood next to him.

Tweek: "How's the hand?"

Kenny: *chuckle  "It's fine. I really shouldn't have done that."

Tweek *giggles  "Yah no shit."

They both have a small laugh. Once the laughter dies down, they both go back to having sad faces. 

Kenny: "What are you doing here this late?"

Tweek: "I heard you took Stan's spot."

Kenny: "So you came down here at -- *looks at phone -- 1:23 am to check on me?"

Tweek shook his head.

Tweek: "The Tuckers called my family."

Kenny: "Okay?"

Tweek: "They said --- the doctor came back with some tests. His --- kidneys are failing, which they say is the first sign of multi-system organ failure. His body isn't circulating enough oxygen to sustain his body. They have to make a --- decision."

Kenny: "What!?"

Tweek: "To do this surgery that may or may not make him better or --- *long pause --- pull the plug"

Tweek started silently crying as big tears rolled down his face. Kenny stood there in utter shock. Craig is actually dying. 

Tweek: *sobbing  "I-I came to see wh-what they decide."

Kenny: "Oh god."

They both stood there in silence. Kenny's throat had the biggest knot in it and Tweek's whole body was shaking violently trying to hold in the sobs.

Kenny: *big gulp  "Why does everyone keep asking how we are feeling?"

Tweek: *small cries  "They don't know what else to say."

Kenny: "THEN DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL! -- How I'm feeling is obvious. How we are doing is obvious. What can you do for us? LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE! There is nothing you CAN do for us. Our whole world has been flipped upside down, the only thing that's going to fix it is if everything becomes okay."

Tweek: "But Kenny -- it might not be. They just want to help, we should let them. I know you said we needed to be strong for everyone else but we need someone to be strong for us because *starts crying again  I need someone to help me through this and you need someone too."

Kenny looked at the small boy in sadness. He was right, they were trying to shoulder the pain but that was just making them feel worse. Kenny brought Tweek into his arms. He held him tight as Tweek cried, he petted his head as he stared at Kyle. And when things couldn't get worse, Kyle's heart monitor started beeping loudly.

Kenny went wide eyed as he realized Kyle was crashing. The medical cavalry rushed into the room and Kenny let go of Tweek and ran as fast as we could to Stan's room. Stan had been sleeping but he had wakened earlier to eat and drink some water. 

Kenny entered the room crashing into the wall a little it before being next to Stan. He shook Stan violently awake.

Kenny: "STAN. WAKE UP!"

Stan: *groggy  "Wha-what's happening?"

Kenny: "It's Kyle, he's crashing!"

Stan went wide eyed and tears formed. He stood up quickly before sitting back down due to the pain. Kenny helped him up and quickly but carefully rushed him out of the room. They stood next to Tweek who was standing with his hand to his chest as he watched in worry. The doctor was currently running the defibulator.

Stan watched in horror, his skin turning pale. They eventually stabilize him before rushing him out of the room and to the OR. Kyle's parents walked by the boys in tears as they followed Kyle toward the OR don't cross doors. 

Stan never looked away from the room, Kenny was watching Stan, and Tweek looked to the floor before walking quickly to Craig's room. 

Stan: "Kenny, *big gulp  can you get me a chair? I'm going to stay here."

Kenny looked at him sadly before handing him his cane and going off to find a chair for him.


Author's Note: 

Hey y'all I hope you are enjoying the story. I'm really enjoying writing it. I went back and fixed up my grammar mistakes. I appreciate you all so much for reading, I really didn't think this many people would read it. I also want to talk about why I chose Senator Michael Bennet. I didn't choose him because of any political agenda, I don't have one nor do I care about politics in any way. The reason I chose him is because he just looks like someone who would drink. I literally just googled Colorado state senator, Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper. Which now that I'm reading the other guy's name it is way funnier. In my brain Bennet looks like a guy who either drinks a ton, does drugs, or cheats on his wife. Where as the other guy only looks like someone who sleeps with underaged woman. I don't my brain is weird.

Anyways, hope you are enjoying, I would continue writing but my leg is cramping up real bad right now so I can't sit here any longer sorry. Thanks y'all!

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