Chapter 45: Prom Part 1

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Kenny and Butters arrived at the school and it was lively. The entire school was here and they were all outside and inside the gym. Leading up to the entrance of the gym were lanterns that were tied down and fairy-lights wrapped around stanchions all the way to the door. There was a white carpet that paved the path to the door. 

Kenny and Butters entered the gym and were met with an array of color. The dance floor was filled with dancing teens, the ceiling was filled with flowers of all different colors and different colored lights that shone through like sun light through trees, the walls were decorated in quadrants. One area was Cinderella themed, one was Sleeping Beauty themed, one was Alice in Wonderland themed, and so much more. Two parts of the gym had very large decorations that separated the room, closest to the boys was a giant paper macheted tree and across the room was a giant paper macheted bean stalk.

The place was lit by the lights shining through, fairy lights, and fake candles. The gym had many booths, food and drink, professional photos, lanterns, and a cheap photo booth. Butters scanned the room with wonderment and excitement where as Kenny just seemed surprised that the school put "effort" into something like this.

Butters: "Let's go take some professional photos with the photographer and then we can dance while we wait for everyone else to arrive."

Kenny: "Alright let's go."

The two walked over to the photographer and the took their photos with the Sleeping Beauty backdrop. 

Photographer: "You two look amazing. The photos will be sent home sometime next week by the school. Have fun you two!"

Butters: "Thank you!"

They left the area and walked over to the dance floor. They were playing  "Shut Up and Dance" by Walk the Moon. Butters started dancing like there was no tomorrow and Kenny watched. He smiled at watched Butters happily.

Butters: *attempt yelling over music  "Dance Ken!"

Butters grabbed his unslinged hand and made Kenny move. Kenny rolled his eyes amusingly and started dancing. Soon he was getting into it enjoying himself with Butters. Bebe started dancing towards them.

Bebe: *attempt yelling over music  "You two look adorable!"

Butters: *attempt yelling over music  "Thank you! You look great too Bebe!"

Bebe: "Aw thank you! Have fun you two!"

She danced away and the two boys went back to just focusing on themselves.

Several minutes later Stan and Kyle arrive....

Few songs later and Kenny felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around still dancing and was met with Kyle.

Kenny: *attempt yelling over music  "Hey Kyle! You look adorable!"

Kyle waved Kenny and Butters out of the dance floor. They followed Kyle to a classroom that was set up for a chatting and for sitting. Stan had 4 cups of punch standing at a table.

Stan: "Hey y'all!"

Butters: "Hi Stan! You two look like fairytale princes!"

Kyle: *blushing  "Thanks, it was my idea."

Kenny: *smugly  "You two look scrumptious!"

Butters: "Down boy."

Stan and Kyle laugh, Kenny is basically attracted to everyone so he was always flirting with everyone. Especially their friends. They stood an drank their punch and chatted about how the prom looked. Eventually they finished and headed back to the gym to dance. They were now playing "Scream & Shout" by and Britney Spears. The four started dancing and were having a great time. Kenny carefully scanned the room and saw Wendy from a wall starring at Stan, he rolled his eyes and turned back to the four.

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