Chapter 37

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Craig's parents went home, they hadn't gone home since his hospitalization. They wore lots of perfume and deodorant, washing their hair and face in the bathroom sink. Craig was finally alone, he closed his eyes but soon there was a knock at the door he had asked for it to be closed. 

Craig: "Come in."

A small blonde boy cracked the door open and peaked in. It was Tweek, he looked -- tired. His eyes had large bags, his hair was more messy that normal, and he smelt like the strongest coffee in the world.

Tweek: *quiet  "H-Hey."

Craig smiled at him and motioned him over. 

Craig: "Close the door."

Tweek entered the room fully, he was still wearing the Tweek Bros uniform and apron. He closed the door and slowly walked over to the chair next to Craig. He sat and looked down at his hands. Craig frowned at the sight, he was clearly holding something back and not acting normal.

Craig: "I'm glad you're okay."

Tweek: "Oh yeah, I-I'm fine. I'm -- I'm ecstatic that you are awake and alive."

He let out a shaky breath letting a single tear roll down his cheek. Craig frowned and reached for Tweek's hand. Tweek took it and looked down at their hands.

Craig: "Tweek, ARE you okay?"

Tweek didn't speak and didn't look up, instead more tears fell from his face. Craig's face turned to concern.

Tweek: *crying and quiet "I spent every moment, from the point of the crash to this moment right here, --- terrified. I thought I would never see you again, I thought my best friend would be gone. The person I've told all my secrets to, the person who protected me from bullies, and the person who would sneak out just to watch our favorite shows together. You were always there when my anxiety was out of this world, everything was so much pressure for me. ---- But Craig, this was too much pressure."

Tweek finally looked up to Craig, his face was filled with so much pain and sadness. Craig went to speak but Tweek kept talking. 

Tweek: *crying and quiet  "I can't take it anymore, I have to tell you something. It is going to ruin everything between us. *whispering  It worked out for everyone else, but things can't always turn out right. Craig, I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you for so long, you make me feel safe and important. You were dying and I was going to lose you. So please Craig, just put me out of my misery and tell me --- what you ---"

Tweek trailed off too embarrassed and scared to finish his thought. Tweek was violently shaking, this all really was too much pressure for him. Tweek looked back up to Craig waiting for his answer. Craig was taken off guard, that was a lot to spill and he didn't know how to react.

Craig: "I-- I--"

Before Craig could get a single word out, Tweek let out a struggled cry and stood up. He hid his face from Craig and ran out of the room. Craig called to him but nothing. Great going Tucker.

2 hours later...

Clyde entered Craig's room, Craig texted him asking him to urgently come to the hospital even though it was nearly midnight. Clyde rushed down the hallway in a grey hoodie, maroon sweat pants, and some slippers. Clyde at first thought it was some medical issue but when he entered the room Craig was alone and looked okay. Physically. Craig's face was filled with pain. Clyde let out a breath of relief and rolled his eyes at the boy.

Clyde: "What happened?"

Craig: "Why didn't I say anything?"

Clyde gave him a confused look but then the confusion faded. 

Clyde: "Oh, ---- you said nothing?"

Craig: "I froze, he just said all--- wait, how do you know what I'm talking about?!"

Clyde: *sigh  "Tweek has liked you forever dude, you were the only one who didn't know. To be fair he is also the only one who doesn't know that you are totally into him. This accident and our conditions was a lot of pressure for him and Kenny, they were literally the only thing that could save our lives out there. I think he no longer cared about the pressure of liking you and today at school when we were told you were awake he said he was gonna tell you."

Craig: "And you didn't tell me!"

Clyde: "Of course not! You are my brother but Tweek trusted me with that information and he didn't want me to tell you and even if he hadn't I wouldn't have told you. He needed to tell you himself."

Craig looked away from Clyde. He was right it was just hard for him to hear.

Clyde: "You really said nothing?"

Craig: "I DIDN'T MEAN TO! --- I wanted to tell him good because I'm into you too. I just froze I just -- didn't think he would like me back too."

Craig let a tear fall on the side of his face that Clyde couldn't see but he knew that what he did to Tweek hurt him. 

Clyde: "So --- tell him tomorrow."

Craig looked over at him and Clyde smiled. Craig smiled back and nodded.

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