Chapter 29

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After school, early that night...

Kenny walked through the hallways of the hospital. He didn't know why but he wanted to be here. Although, he was starting to get real sick and tired of the ICU walls. He walked slowly toward Kyle's room looking down at his bandaged hand, when he finally looked up where he saw Stan standing in front of the large glass window to the room. Stan looked terrible, he had huge bags under his eyes, his eyes were bloodshot from crying even though his tear ducts felt like they couldn't cry anymore he was still crying, and worst of all his legs were shacking badly. He looked in pain, his back couldn't handle the few days he has been standing without rest. There was a chair in front of him but clearly Stan had ignored the attempts of help from the staff.

Kenny walked a little faster to Stan and stood right next to him. He peeked over at him sadly to see his terrible condition. He was also pale, he hadn't seem to be eating or drinking either.

Kenny: "Hey Stan. -- How long have you been standing here?"

Stan: *crying  "Does it matter?"

Kenny: "Stan, I'm worried that you have been standing here for too long. Is your back okay?"

Kenny turned toward him more and held his arms out to him, as he did this, Stan fell into them. He was breathing a little heavy and he was clearly dizzy. Kenny held onto him tightly. The doctor and a couple nurses jolted forward a little bit watching what was unfolding, but they held restraint and let Kenny talk to Stan.

Kenny: "Stan, -- you can't keep going like this you need a break, you need sleep, you need to rest your back. Did you forget that your back was impaled by a seat belt?"

Stan: *heavy breathing  "I-I can't, I have to see -- him wake up or not. I have to see it or I'll --" *heavy breathing 

Kenny: "I know, -- I know. But Stan--"

Stan: "NO!"

He pushed off of Kenny barley able to keep his balance and pain shot through his entire being. He yelped in pain. Kenny held his arms to him and caught him again. The doctor and nurses once again jolted in worry again.

Stan: *crying  "I have to stay here."

Kenny looked at him with sad eyes. He looked around trying to think of an idea when it hit him.

Kenny: "Why don't I take your place. You go sleep and get some food, and-and I'll stand here and watch over Kyle. How does that sound?"

Stan: "But I need to be there--"

Kenny: "If anything happens, if his finger twitches, his monitor makes a single different beep, I promise I'll come and get you as fast as sonic. I swear on my life, on god, I pinky promise, hell, I'll make a blood sacrifice if you let me do this for you. What will happen if you die and Kyle wakes up? Who will be there for him then?"

Stan looked up at Kenny and read his face. He knew Kenny was serious. Stan finally looked away and bit his bottom lip. He looked back to him and nodded.

Stan: "You promise?"

Kenny: "I swear."

Stan nodded again and Kenny turned toward the crew behind them at the nurses' station. The two nurses and the doctor raced over, they got him a wheelchair and carefully lowered him into it. Kenny handed Stan's cane to one of the nurses and they took him into a room right next to Kyle's.

Kenny watched him go and once he was in the room, he turned to Kyle. He stared into the glass with sad eyes. Kyle still laid there unconscious, in the same condition. His family still asleep all around him. Kenny finally noticed his reflection in the glass, he too has some bags under his eyes and had tears rolling down his face. 

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