Chapter 46: Prom Part 2

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Stan and Kyle got out of Randy's car, Randy rolled down the passenger side window and Stan leaned in. 

Randy: "The hotel room is all set up for you. I put extra money into your account for an Uber to it alright?"

Stan: "Thanks dad."

Stan went to walk away but was stopped by Randy.

Randy: "Hey! Don't do anything I wouldn't do. *whispers  I also put condoms into the room so you're all set."

Stan: "Dad!"

Randy: "What!? I'm just saying."

Stan shook his head and rolled his eyes in amusement. He waved to his dad and Randy drove off. Kyle stood a few feet away starring at the décor of the outside. Stan made his way by Kyle's side.

Kyle: "It looks amazing! I'm so excited, let's go!"

Kyle grabbed Stan's arm and pulled him towards the building. Stan laughed at his excitement and they were soon inside the place. It was a magical mixture of all different fairytales, Kyle giggled to himself, he thought it was kind of funny that they went with such a cliché theme.

Stan: "Come on we got to take pics."

Kyle: "Do we have to?"

Stan: "Yes, I want these pictures for when we are old and you are all whiny that I made you take photos on this day."

Kyle: *laughs  "You're such a dork."

The two wait in line to get their photos taken. Once they were all finished, they went and explored the atmosphere. Amongst the crowd, Stan spotted Kenny and Butters. He told Kyle to go get them and he would get punch for everyone.

Kyle nodded and made his way into the pile of teens that were rocking out to the current song which was "Levitating" by Dua Lipa and DaBaby. Stan made his way to the food booth where he started to fill some cups with punch. He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around and was met with Wendy. He immediately started to feel nervous, he didn't like being left alone with her. Oh god, please make whatever she wants fast.

Wendy: "Hey Stan, you look magical this evening."

Wendy was wearing a purple dress that was sparkly but short. 

Stan: "Thanks, you look nice too. Kyle picked our outfits, he thought they would be appropriate for the theme."

Wendy: *annoyed  "Yah, that's great. Anyways, come dance with me."

Stan: "Um, no, I'm getting punch for me and my friends."

Wendy: *upset noise  "Come on, please. Just for a little bit."

Wendy grabbed onto his arm and leaned into him, she got all up in his face and everything. Stan Placed the cups down and yanked her off of him and away from him. 

Stan: "No Wendy! I'm not doing this with you, tonight I'm here with Kyle. And YOU, are not going to ruin that."

Wendy got really mad, she wanted to just pull him in and kiss him to piss him off. But, before she could even do or say anything. Bebe grabbed her and pulled her close.

Bebe: *nervous  "Hey, baby girl what're you doing over here and not dancing with yo girls. Come on little hot mama. Let's go have fun!"

Wendy angrily allowed Bebe to taker her away from Stan. Before they were out of sight, Bebe turned back to Stan and mouthed "I'm sorry." He simply smiled at her and nodded, then he picked up the cups and walked to the "quiet room."

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