Chapter 39

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Later that night after Tweek's shift...

Tweek was running into the hospital, it took him longer to close the café tonight. The elevator eventually opened and he stepped off, he went to check in but the nurse just waved him by. Tweek quickly walked to Craig's room, his door was closed again. He reached for the handle but stopped, he looked at it with fear and sadness. I can't do this, even if Clyde is telling the truth maybe this was a mistake. I love him but am I even right for him, I'm an anxiety and stress mess who would want to deal with that. Maybe it was good that he couldn't say it back, that way we can silently end this before he gets hurt.

Tweek closed his eye tight, tears started to fall from his face. Before he could react to himself the tears stopped, his eyes were open, and he was opening the door. Once he opened it, his feet carried him in without his control. Once he was fully into the room, he closed the door and was met with coughing.

Cough. Cough. Hack. Hack.

Tweek quickly turned around to the coughing to see Craig coughing. He looked at him in worry, something was wrong.

Tweek: *quiet  "Craig? Are you okay?"

Craig: *cough  "Oh Tweek! *cough  I'm so glad you are here *cough  please come sit."

He patted the spot on the bed next to him while his other hand was up to his mouth. Tweek looked at him in panic, he walked over and sat where Craig wanted him to.

Craig: *cough  "Tweek, I'm so sor- *cough  sorry. I was not prepared for what you said, I was a jerk and stu-- *cough cough  stupid. I'm really glad you told me, and I'm really glad that you are okay from the accident. *cough cough cough"

Tweek stared at Craig in more panic, what is wrong with him? Why is he coughing? Oh god something's wrong.

Cough Cough. Cough Cough Cough. Hack. Hack.

Craig: *cough cough  "I'm not going to tell you I love you. That would be *cough  insensitive and would mean nothing. I will tell you when you haven't felt rejected--"

Tweek laughed at this as a little panic went away, but quickly came back when Craig had another coughing fit.

Craig: *cough cough  "So instead, will you go to prom with me? *cough cough  I know it is last minute and that you are probably a little ups-- *cough  upset with me, but I want to make it up to you."

Tweek just looked at him with concern. Craig stared back while trying to stifle his coughs.

Craig: *cough cough  "I know I messed up but-- *cough cough hack"

Tweek: "Craig, I would love to go to prom with you, but I have two concerns. One, you know I hate situations like that so maybe we should not be there the whole time. And two,-- ARE YOU OKAY!"

Tweek reached out to Craig's face and cupped his cheek with one hand. Craig was warm and on closer look he was a little pale.

Craig: *cough cough  "Oh don't worry *cough  I have a plan for that. And the co-- *cough  cough is nothing. It's just something in my throat."

Tweek: "Okay, I really don't care about prom right now, something is wrong Craig. You have this awful cough, you're pale, and you have a fever. Something is wrong!"

Craig went to reply but a huge coughing fit started, as it ended his hands were shaking and he pulled them away from his face to reveal a little blood on his hands. Tweek's eyes went wide with horror, he quickly reached behind Craig and hit the blue button. Tweek grabbed some tissues and handed them to Craig as he started coughing again. His heart monitor started to beep aggressively and soon a cavalry of nurses and the doctor entered the room. One nurse grabbed Tweek and backed him away from the scene.  

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