Chapter 38

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Next day at school...

Clyde stood with Token and Kenny, Token was going through his locker while Kenny was on his phone. Clyde was staring at the school entrance in anticipation. Eventually a blonde hair boy and a red head walked in, Clyde got excited but as he looked to who the blonde hair belonged to his excitement faded, it was only Butters.

Kyle: "Hey y'all."

Kenny: "My sweet Buttery boy!"

Kenny wrapped Butters in a hug and kisses, even with the slinged arm. Butters giggled and pushed Kenny so that he was behind him with his arms draped around him and laying his head on Butters' shoulder. The sling made it a bit weird for the boys to be in that position but they became comfortable with it. Clyde's face immediately changed to annoyance and Token finished getting stuff out of his locker.

Token: *giggles "Clyde, you watching the door like a hawk isn't going to make Tweek appear like magic."

Clyde: *groan

Kyle: "Why are you looking for Tweek?"

Clyde: "I have to talk to Tweek so he can go see Craig at the hospital!"

Kenny: "I'm guessing Craig blew it?"

As he held his hand out to Stan, who came out of no where, and Stan handed him $20. Clyde glared at the two.

Clyde: "Yeah obviously, Craig is -- bad at emotions. Regardless, they have to try again because I think it'll kill Tweek."

Kyle: "Wait, Stan where were you? We didn't -- walk to school."

Stan: "Oh sorry, I met up with Wendy."

Stan said that with a smile, Kenny's head whipped over to Stan giving him an angry questioned face. Kyle stared at Stan in shock, why was he with her? Oh god, I was right it was just the accident. He doesn't love me.

Kenny could see the wheels turning in Kyle's head and it wasn't good.

Kenny: "YOU were just CATCHING UP! RIGHT!?"

Kenny nudged Stan giving him a "what the fuck are you doing" face. Stan looked at him confused and the realization hit him.

Stan: "No, no, no. It was nothing like that. I was actually telling her off."

Kyle, Kenny, Token, Clyde, & Butter: "WHAT!?"

Stan: "After you were okay and you came home and I went home she just kept coming around. She wouldn't leave me alone and she --- crossed the line with some stuff she said. So I told her to leave me alone and --- to leave us -- a-lo-ne."

They were all staring at him with an array of feelings. Kyle stared at him with love plastered all over his face, Clyde stared at him in a joyous shock, Token just looked shocked, Kenny looked proud, and Butters looked scared it was bold of him to do such a thing to the most popular girl in school.

Kenny: "That's amazing. Stan, I wanna hear all about it."

Kenny wrapped his unslinged arm around Stan and they walked off as the first bell rang. Kyle and Butters followed behind them and Token went to follow but stopped once he saw Clyde didn't.

Token: "Babe?"

Clyde: "I can't, I have to find Tweek. I'll see you later baby."

Clyde kissed him on the cheek and Token walked off. Clyde stood there another five minutes, the late bell rang. Good thing Clyde was a T.A for his first period and his teacher didn't care if he showed up or not. Soon another mess of a blonde walked in and Clyde immediately knew it was Tweek. He ran over to him and grabbed his hand.

Tweek: "Hey--"

Clyde pulled him all the way through the school to the out back and made him sit down with him on a bench. Tweek was wearing a green hoodie with a brown leather jacket over it, he had jeans on, and some sneakers. Tweek sat there looking down and incredibly sad.

Clyde: "It didn't go well, did it?"

Tweek started to well-up and then he started crying.

Tweek: *crying "I was too bold! I just said 'oh hey Craig I know you just woke up and I have been ABSOLUTLEY devastated and broken over it, but I just wanted to let you know that I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!' WHAT WAS I THINKING?"

Clyde: "You were thinking that you love him and had to tell him because that is the rational thing to do."

Tweek: *crying "And look where that got me."

Clyde took Tweek's hands into his own and gave them a squeeze.

Clyde: "I know his reaction wasn't the best --"

Tweek: "HE TOLD YOU!"

Clyde: "Yes and no. I've known him my whole life. I knew that it would be a huge surprise that his short emotion capabilities wouldn't know how to handle."

Tweek: "So you knew I would make a fool of myself!"

Clyde: "TWEEK, -- you didn't, it was something you needed to say and something he needed to hear. You didn't make a fool of yourself, if anything he did. Now I'm gonna tell you something but you didn't hear about nor did you know. Understand?"

Tweek: "No not at all."

Clyde: "He is in love with you. Absolutely head over heels, unironically loving you beyond space, he wants to be with you so bad that it kills him. He is just emotionally stunted."

Tweek stared at him in complete shock.

Tweek: "You --- You're lying."

Clyde: "I am not, also I didn't tell you and you don't know. So *sigh I need you to go back to the hospital today and let him tell you that. I don't know if he actually will but you need to try again because I can already tell that you are dying inside from what happened. *mumbles  And so is he."

Tweek: *sniffles "I'm not sure about this Clyde, -- I don't know if I can handle more silence and regret."

Clyde pulled Tweek's head toward him by putting his thumb under his chin.

Clyde: "I know honey, but trust me you both need it."

Tweek stared into Clyde's eyes, he could tell Clyde was there for him and that Clyde was serious. Tweek was scared but he nodded, I guess I'm going to the hospital tonight.

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