Chapter 24

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Later that night...

Token sat next to Clyde just watching the heart monitor. School was tiring, he couldn't focus, crutches were annoying, and he was SO fed up with all the questions. And that damn question —

How are you feeling?

Ugh, how do you think I'm feeling. He was just finally relieved to be by Clyde's side again. He had been coming by since he got discharged, he would bring food and other stuff for Mr. Donovan. It must be hard being all alone.

Token finally looked down to Clyde. He's so handsome. Token gave a sad smile at his own thought and then immediately shook his head and blushed. Then suddenly, tears started falling from his face. He brought his hand to his cheek and lightly touched the tears. Why am I crying?

Everything was starting to dawn on him. Kyle, Craig, and — Clyde. They are all dying and the only thing he has been doing is sitting here thinking about school and — Clyde.

Oh Clyde.

Token took Clyde's hand and brought it to his lips.

Token: *crying "Oh Clyde, this is all my fault. You're going to die, and I killed you. I killed Kyle and Craig too. I'm so sorry Clyde, please, please wake up. *whispers I need you."

Token lowered his head and let the tears drip into Clyde's hand. This was the first time Token was able to accept everything he had been bottling up. He felt like this was all his fault, everything happening to everyone all because he swerved.

?: *low raspy voice "Don't be ridiculous, this isn't your fault."

Token looked up quickly recognizing that voice. His eyes went wide as tears fell from his face a little harder.

Clyde: *low raspy voice "You did what anyone else would do. This isn't you fault you were so careful and whoever was driving the wrong way, that's whose fault this is."

He was awake. Clyde he's awake.

Token: *lightly crying "C-Clyde? You're awake. You're actually awake. Oh my god, hold on let me get your dad!"

Token went to stand but was grabbed. He turned back to see Clyde grabbing his arm.

Clyde: "Wait, please I just want a little more time with you."

Token: "Oh okay, what's wrong?"

Clyde: *giggle "Nothing. I just woke up and everything sort of just hit me. If you hadn't been talking I think I would have just started panicking."

Token: "Why? Are you in pain? Did you lose short term memory of what happened and what scared you? Maybe I should get a doctor to check you out so we know how you're doing."

Clyde: *giggle "No, I'm fine, even though my body feels like I've been hit by a bus. Which considering makes sense so I'm not worried. — No I was worried that you were hurt. But then you started talking and you were here and okay. I —"

Token: "I LOVE YOU! I have been in love with you since middle school. I've never told you because I though you were straight. I thought you liked Bebe. Youaremybestfriendandididn'twanttoruinthatbecauseitmeanttheworldtome —"

Clyde: "TOKEN!"

Clyde sat up slowly and took both of Token's hands and pulled him onto the bed so that his face was very close to Clyde's but not in kissing distance.

Clyde: "Token it's okay. I — have also been in love with you forever. I thought that it would be weird, I thought if I could fake something with Bebe then maybe I could still have my best friend. But after ev—ery—thing."

Clyde's speech started to slow as Token burst out in tears. He was crying so hard he could barley breath. Token looked and let the tears fall onto his and Clyde's hands. Clyde looked at him sadly.

Clyde: "Token, what's wrong?"

Token: *sobbing "I-I th-thought you were go-going to die. I wa-watched you ev-every d-day in hopes *hic that y-you would ju-just wake up so-so I could tell you th-that I love you. But how could I t-tell you that when the only REASON YOU ALMOST DIED AND YOUR DAD WAS IN PAIN WAS BECAUSE OF — me."

Token let out more sobs. He couldn't be with Clyde, the only thing he seemed to do to him is hurt him.

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