Chapter 17

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Butters: "Ken, aren't you comin?"

Kenny: "Yah, I'll met you down there. I'm gonna go se if I can talk to Tweek, alright?"

Butters: "Oh alright, Ken don't take long."

Kenny nodded as the elevator doors closed. He quickly walked to Tweek's room past Craig's. He couldn't bring himself to look into that room. Everyone in there was quiet but crying just waiting for any news that Craig was alright, and Kenny couldn't handle that right now. He slowly entered Tweek's room to see Tweek propped up by the electronic bed. He was awake but looked tired.

Tweek: "Hi Kenny."

Kenny: "Hey Tweekers, how are you feeling?"

Tweek: "My head hurts all the time."

Kenny: "I bet, how you holding up?"

Tweek: *starts crying  "Please -- Please tell me i-is Craig alive?"

Kenny sighed. How could he tell Tweek, who "loves Craig more than life itself" as quoted by Tweek, that Craig is in the worst state possible. Kenny swallowed hard.

Tweek: *crying  "Please Kenny! No one will tell me *hic  they keep talking to me like I-I'm broken. Tha-that I'm not strong enough to hear it. *silence filled with cries  He's dead isn't he?"

Kenny: "Tweek --"


Kenny: "Okay, okay. Calm down, he's not dead."

Tweek lets out a pained sigh of relief and wipes the tears from his face. Kenny walks closer and takes his hand.

Kenny: "He's in surgery, they are doing everything they can for him right now. Have faith Tweekers, have faith."

Kenny kisses Tweek's hand softly and Tweek nodded while letting out a gruntled cry. Tweek started to look extra tired, this concussion was kicking his ass.

Kenny: *whispers "Take a nap Tweekers. Get better so you can be at his side."

Tweek: *slow hiccing and crying "O-okay,o-ka-y."

Tweek slowly loses consciousness. Kenny sets his hand down and turns toward the door and walks toward it. Before he exits, he turns to look back at Tweek as one more tear falls from his face. Kenny looked at him sadly and let out a shaky breath. This was too much, the accident, the state of his friends, the survivors guilt building in Kenny. It was all just too much. 

Kenny shook the feeling and rushed toward the elevator. He couldn't stand being in this place anymore, he couldn't handle it. He got on the elevator an smashed the close door button. Once it closed, Kenny started panicking. He slid to the floor and took deep breathes. 


Why us? Why them?


My Butters. My love.


Get it together McCormick. Stay strong so they can allow weakness into them.


With the last ding he quickly stood up and wiped his face and adjusted his jacket. His iconic orange parka was out of commission while being cleaned so he wore a black zip-up jacket. The doors opened and he stepped out. He walked down to the exit where the nurse and Butters were chatting. Butters noticed him and waved, Kenny waved back with his good arm.

Butters: "You ready Ken? Oh Ken, are you alright? Your eyes are puffy."

Kenny: "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Lets get going alright."

Butters smiles at him concerned and they wheel Butters out to Kenny's small, beat-up Toyota flatbed truck. Butter stood up and the nurse said goodbye then wheeled away. Kenny opened the passenger door for  Butters, and Butters hopped in. Kenny closed the door and looked back at the hospital with sadness.

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